This is a great question. While I understand the urge to ignore your thoughts, I would recommend using ERP instead. Let me explain my reasoning: When you ignore a thought, you're not actually DEALING with it. As you said, you're "pushing it under the rug". And pushing it under the rug isn't solving your problem; it's just setting that intrusive thought aside for later rather than ripping it out at its root...
With that in mind, I'd like to use a metaphor: If you have a leak in your roof, you could ignore it... You could pretend it's not there, you could not fix it, etc. But, if you choose to ignore it, is the leak still there...? Of course, it is! Regardless of what you tell yourself, the leak is objectively there and always will be until it's dealt with. Not only that, but ignoring this one leak could inadvertently lead to more leaks forming, and if you don't have the necessary tools, this situation could become very overwhelming... Using ERP, on the other hand, not only gives you the tools to fix the leak(s), it also empowers you to effectively manage and even patch the leak(s). Beyond that, once you have the understanding and confidence to use ERP effectively, you'll be able to rest easy knowing if/when another leak comes, you'll know how to confidently address it (and yes, I promise I will not use the word "leak" again in this post).
Instead of pushing your thoughts under the rug, face them head-on, because the more we face our fears, the less scary they become... I hope this was helpful, but if you need further advice, here's a link to a great article detailing some more info on ERP:
Break a leg!