- Username
- jmr
- Date posted
- 4y ago
You're an adult. I'm glad they care about you but you are able to make your own adult decisions and they need to be respectful of that.
Well as another 29 year old NYC resident who is at their parents right now, it’s tough to also not get sucked back into feeling like a child-mode. My boyfriend agreed that when you go home for a long-ish period of time, both you AND your parents revert back to your younger self. It’s pretty annoying but it’s kind of a two way street. Just need to set boundaries for yourself and your parents. It will come with time. They love you and care.
Are you staying at your parents for the next few months? Or plan on going back to nyc?
@jmr So my boyfriend just went back to the city today (his parents have a vacation home outside the city so that’s where they are). My dad offered to drive me back but honestly, I’m enjoying having the space by my parents. I think this has been a good experience challenging my rOCD because last week I was ruminating 24/7 about “why don’t I miss him?” “Why am I happier here?”...Blah blah blah but after my brain settled I said, nope. I miss him but I can function without him. We are individuals and it’s ok. I still love him. But this is somethinf that makes me happy. Forcing myself back to the city to prove to my ocd thoughts that I do still love him is just giving in. I’m practicing sitting with the discomfort.
@d126 (Side note: my parents are oky with me going back but they are of course a little nervous)
@d126 Of course!! I’m so glad you are enjoying the time at home- and sounds like you are exactly where you should be! I’m not sure why I feel such an urgency to be in my apartment... I think my need for independence and ocd getting worse out here is why but I also just found out my dad has had MS for 20 years and never told me. I think I’m feeling overwhelmed and need some space to think about. It’s not heredity but they say you have a higher chance at developing it if a parent has it. I also got ocd from him and two other autoimmune diseases that my siblings did not get so I am definitely worried that i will get it too. Just a lot to process during an already stressful time. But I know I am lucky that they care about me so much. We are so close so I feel it should be okay when I do need some space
@d126 I saw his medication in a drawer in the fridge and immediately googled the medicine. It’s for ms and without thinking I said “who has MS in this house???”
@jmr It’s 1000% okay to need space. You’re an adult. I mean think about your parents, I’m guessing they probably already had kids by your age. I can’t even count how many times after a weekend home wanting to run back to the city. I say this as a joke but it’s so true...sometimes its better to love your family from a distance. Lol
@d126 So true!!!!! Thank youuu I really needed to talk to someone about it. Can’t thank you enough for taking the time to let me vent - always here if you need anything also!
@jmr So sorry. Just seeing this. You’re very welcome!
@jmr Hey girl! Hope you’re doing well. I’m back in the city and wish it was doing something positive for my mental health lol
@d126 Hey!! I’m heading back next week- sorry it’s not helping. I hope you are doing okay. I’m hoping going back will help a little bit not sure. Here if you need to talk!
@jmr All good! Funny enough I’m back home for Mother’s Day. But tried to power through being at my boyfriends and handling the ocd last week.
@d126 Ha so funny! Does your boyfriend know about the OCD? I was dating someone long term and I told him and he freaked out. We broke up within the week. I think I’m going to feel better once I’m back in my apt- hopefully!
Hey there! I just had the same issue with my dad! I got SCREAMED at when I didn’t come home- mind you, my apartment is 3 hours from my dads house. But, just like you said, this is the mentally healthy choice for me. I need to be in my own safe space that I’ve created. We obviously love our families- that does not have to be at odds with the fact that we need our own homes and routines (that we’ve made through hardships) to stay mentally healthy. Parents have such a keen skill at making us feel guilty for things haha, love em! But there’s a certain point where we need to do what we think is best for us.
Thank you so much Leah. I was feeling so alone and guilty- paralyzed with this guilt and now questioning what’s right when I really do know what I need. Thank you for responding. Feeling such a mix of guilt, ocd building up in all aspects of my day, and also struggling with what I know as an adult I need.
Also - I live 20 minutes outside of New York so if they really needed me I can be to them in 20 mins. They are acting like I’m leaving the country. I’m just trying to keep my ocd in check and it undo the progrss I’ve made over a decade. I feel it quickly unraveling
Of course!!! I SO deeply understand the layers of guilt that occur with and outside of OCD. I have a really hard relationship with guilt and shame haha so I get you. 20 min!! Oh jeez. You are FINE in either place!! They’re capacity to make you feel guilty about it, is NOT how wrong you are. Those don’t correlate. Ocd is known for co-occurring with feelings of guilt so often. But most cases are misplaced guilt- you can feel it, see it, and then remind yourself that even though it’s there, it’s misplaced and that you are ALLOWED to do what you know your mind and soul need. I mean cmon, 20 min haha?:)
They’re still gonna try to make you feel guilty for it after you tell them what you are doing. They’re probably gonna throw a lot at you like “this is irresponsible” “why don’t you just stay with us where it’s safer” etc etc, but at that point, it’s a lot more what THEY need from you, and not necessarily what YOU need. THEY feel safer with you at home- that doesn’t mean that’s the only place where you are safe, and that doesn’t mean you need to bend over backward so they feel better. We love our parents, but we also have to respect ourselves?❤️
Thank you all- feeling less lonely and more confident to stand up for what I need. I know it won’t be easy but I’m going to try and talk with them and eventually make my decision based on what I need. Thank you all for the support
Yesss I feel 14 again. I am working on setting boundaries but they cry every time I talk about it ??♀️ but I know I need to stay strong and continue setting boundaries that are completely normal and healthy. The ocd of course makes everything feel so out of control and paralyzing.
I have the worst contamination ocd and I really need help. I told my mom about it and she told me I was crazy and need to get over it. I told my dad and he understands (he also has ocd) but doesn’t think I need to see a doctor. I literally live my life everyday worrying about being clean and I know it’s totally not normal, so I just want to go back living a normal life. And my parents don’t think I need help. What do I do? :(
My family is getting very frustrated with me for not getting a job during this pandemic, and it’s causing me extreme anxiety. The pandemic has brought up some contamination ocd that I didn’t know I had, and it is being compounded by the irresponsible actions of those in my household. Someone in my household tested positive a few days ago, and then negative a couple days after (the false negative rate is higher than the false positive rate), and so I’ve been extra cautious about staying at home and in my room. It’s not that I’m scared about getting the virus, I’m scared of passing it and causing harm to others. My family, however, has returned back to normal activities. They’re going to work or visiting others outside the home, ignoring the guidance of the cdc. They had even done this before the second test came back negative. They’re now getting angry with me for not wanting to leave the house (let alone my room) and not getting a job, mostly because none of them believe in the seriousness of the situation and think it’s all politically charged. I will probably be getting myself tested in a couple of weeks and move in with my roommate at my own apartment at my university (assuming a negative test), since he is more understanding of everything and is cautious. It’s not that I don’t want to work. If there wasn’t a pandemic going on, I would gladly be working somewhere for 40 hours a week and wouldn’t have a complaint. I’m just anxious about everything right now and no one I live with seems to understand.
I have a rare auto immune disease that attacked my brain causing me to have ocd. No one in my family had ocd and no one gets it. I had an incident tonight when I get home from a trip to notice that the pillows on my bed are put on there differently then I put them everyday, I also notice my lamp remote is on my left night stand when I always put it on my right night stand. I question my family and they said that my cousin slept in my bed the other night when I was gone. I broke down shaking and crying cause it’s 10 pm and I have school in the morning so I don’t have time to wash my sheets but there is no way I will be able to sleep in my bed after knowing my cousin slept on my sheets for a night. Plus I noticed a few of my drawers not pushed shut completely which I only do cause you have to push them extra hard to keep them shut which implies that she looked through some of my things and now all I can think about doing is disinfecting my entries room and excessively clean it. I just feel so betrayed but my family needs to understand that I have ocd and with that comes some things that they NEED to respect. I need to talk to them and tell them that this is not ok and that this gives me anxiety and distress probably causing me to not be able to sleep tonight. How do I tell them this?
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