- Username
- Leigha
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Hi, I'm glad you ou joined this community to connect with peers. Here is an article about when parents aren't supportive https://iocdf.org/expert-opinions/my-parents-dont-believe-i-have-ocd/ Also, check bout this website https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.bfrb.org/learn-about-bfrbs&ved=2ahUKEwj-oO3liJLrAhUGXM0KHWG_AW0QFjAKegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2uf_esTRp2bxdTDlKhcgg1 that has lots of resources for bfrbs
the only way to free ourselves from ocd is to stop compulsions (slowly but intentionally), and to expose ourself to the distressing emotions and learn that we can handle any emotion. And don't have to compulse it or escape from it. Then ocd will have no power over us. Though its hard, it is the only way. Sit with the discomfort, do a tiny exposure each day. This is the very hard but very worth it path to recovery. Its so hard, but its worth it. Let us know how it goes, we are here with you :)
Would any of your family read this book? https://www.amazon.com/When-Family-Member-Has-Obsessive-Compulsive/dp/1626252467/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=when+a+family+member+has+ocd&qid=1597109275&sprefix=when+a+fam&sr=8-3 Would your parents let you get treatment for your OCD if you asked?
I’m gonna say, too, that school counselors can be a good resource for trying to talk with parents if your still in school. Even if they have school online, there should be some way to reach out to your counselor. I know that my middle school counselor changed my life.
∆∆∆great advice
I have the worst contamination ocd and I really need help. I told my mom about it and she told me I was crazy and need to get over it. I told my dad and he understands (he also has ocd) but doesn’t think I need to see a doctor. I literally live my life everyday worrying about being clean and I know it’s totally not normal, so I just want to go back living a normal life. And my parents don’t think I need help. What do I do? :(
i'm sorry in advance for how long this post is and if it's to much information. i'm undiagnosed but have been struggling with compulsions and intrusive thoughts since i was 7 or 8. My worst intrusive thoughts theme has been about p*d*phil*s. I've been dealing with it since my freshman and sophomore year but these thoughts didn't become debilitating until June of last year. I had a panic attack and confessed to my parents about these intrusive thoughts. They were obviously shocked and share. I felt so ashamed and like a monster. After talking with my dad he said we would see a therapist about it. Sadly we never did the first appointment we were late and missed are spot and the second appointment i sprained my ankle the night before so instead i was in the hospital. After that i closed myself off i tried dealing with them on my own using sources like NOCD and stuff. I did try to bring up going to therapy to my parents. Every time they would ask me if the intrusive thoughts were back and I would lie saying "no i just would like to go to therapy" I was so scared they'd be afraid of me and stop loving me, especially my mom. Eventually after awhile my parents forgot about it and I tried ignoring these intrusive thoughts because I was so focused and stressed from school. I decided I could just wait till I turn 18 and schedule myself into therapy. recently though my intrusive thoughts have gotten worse. I recently had a convo with one of my friends who has intrusive thoughts as well and she's encouraging me to talk to my parents. I'm asking y'all what should I do. As much as I'm scared I want to get help because I'm sick of living and feeling like i'm day away from acting on my intrusive thoughts.
hii everyone, so, it has been about 2 or 3 years I’d say since I’ve been dealing with this. let’s just get right into it, so first, whatever I have (which might be OCD, I’m not entirely sure what it is) has taken over basically most of my childhood, and what kills me is that I’ll never get it back. one thing I know is that im not normal, i now get sleepless nights. why you may ask? because of my horrifying thoughts, “if you don’t look up you’ll be praying to the devil and you’ll go to hell!” “if you don’t say ‘God bless them’ their condition will happen to you!” “if you don’t say ‘good yetho 2x’ (idek..) ‘your mom will die 5x’ you’ll die and forget how to read. “if you don’t put your arms up, look directly up at the ceiling because if you look down you’ll pray to the devil so you need to look up, and say ‘Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you forgive me for my sins in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.’ you’ll go straight to hell!” or whenever I touch a wall, i need to touch it with my small finger because if I touch it twice with my pointer finger my body will go to hell. it’s an endless cycle, and what’s even worse is that I may never be able to get help. I’ll never get that life back that I wanna live, and it kills me. I’ve named most of the compulsions and obsessions I have and I have 18 compulsions that are physical and about 5 obsessions that I really don’t wanna name right now. anyway, i really don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve done a lot of research regarding around disorders, and it’s safe to say that I may have OCD. Now, do i want ocd? absolutely not. however, there’s a family member in my family who has it. so the chances of me having it are strong, i don’t think I’m able to get better until I’m 18. an adult. I’m 12 years old, my mom has noticed my compulsions and me repeating certain words. but she does nothing, absolutely nothing. instead, she just argues with me over it. if I ever tell my mom to sit down and ask her about getting a test, she would probably call me the R-Slur and tell me I’m crazy. Therefore, I’m all alone in this situation with no one to help me. another obsession I have is about me catching cancer if I don’t do a compulsion or I might get paralyzed and get sleep paralysis. It’s so horrifying, there’s more obsessions and compulsions I have but I really don’t wanna name them right now. I cry almost every day because of how exhausted I am, and how much help i truly want to get but I don’t think I ever will. I’m unsure whether or not I have ocd, people tell me to get a diagnosis. but the situation I am in right now makes it impossible. i have no way of getting tested but I have a good feeling I have ocd, if you’re reading this, please try to give me your thoughts and what I should do, and if I even have OCD. Thanks! :))
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