- Username
- EmotionnalBubulle
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Oh I didn't understand clearly that ALL of those emotions and thoughts in your original post were about your boyfriend. Nor did I know you deal with R.O.C.D. (relationship ocd?) It certainly would be nice if someone with more experience with that would comment since I'm pretty clueless. Just keep being kind to yourself. Practice writing out your thoughts and working through your feelings that way. Meditation also helps to calm the nervous system.
Thank you, I will keep working on it 😊
We can make it through, we're strong
I saw you made another post asking for advice on this so I came here to read it. To be completely honest, I don't know you or your situation well enough to give you a well rounded answer. If you make your question(s) more specific that would be helpful. But I will try....... I think it is very important for every human to try to find themselves "whole" and never look for it in another human. They can help get you there but they cannot grow or heal the parts of you that need it. That is a job only we as individuals can do. It also sounds like you may be dealing with a lot and are going through a slew of emotions and challenges. I think that can be normal for anyone. I would definitely consider therapy if you have not and also depending on where/how you are in your relationship with your boyfriend, consider asking him to sit down and tell him you need someone to listen.
Hello ! I know that my wholeness should be found within me, don't worry, I am working on it too. However, I don't see how your message answers my question, which I think couldn't be more specific since it is formulated as I think it : how can you handle the anxiety rising when, after feeling in love and happy, you can also feel neutral, friendly or angry toward your SO ? I am with my boyfriend for a bit more than 3 years now and have talked to him about my anxiety/rocd very soon after it started, that is to say approximately in June and I have worked on it since then, him trying to help when he can, and I made big progresses since it started and we continue to talk about it when needed. I just need a little help on how to manage my anxiety regarding the fact that feelings fluctuate during the days :) Thank you for your time though, I I appreciate it
What helped me was talking to others and realizing that all relationships have up and down moments throughout the day, it’s not a normal feeling for someone to feel in love at all times. You are safe to feel negative and neutral thoughts about your so. Even the most successful relationships have these moments. Relationships are not black and white. Also, you’re feelings change thought out the day depending on a lot of things. Are you hungry? Have you slept well? Did you have a good day at school/work? Have you had enough water? Make sure to take care of your basic needs. It’s not that your thoughts/feelings are wrong. It’s the power you give them which causes anxiety. Sit with the uncertainty, it will be really uncomfortable but after sitting with it over and over again you will realize you are soo strong and you can handle negative feelings about your partner. Are you suppose to be with them? Maybe yes, maybe no. That was my matra.
Thank you so much for this tip ! 😊 I will continue to try and sit with the incertainty and the uncomfortable thoughts/feelings. It is difficult tho', as I don't want to talk to my family about my condition (I am afraid that they would cause more anxiety and doubting as they aren't familiar with rocd), and I don't really have friends who are dating someone for a good amount of time to share my feelings and thoughts with. Sometimes I which I could have a conversation with someone who experiences the same as me. 😅
Hi everyone, I’m struggling with what I believe is ROCD, but it feels so real and overwhelming that I don’t know what to trust anymore. I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences, hoping someone can relate and maybe help me feel a little less alone. Lately, I’ve been feeling completely disconnected and numb toward my boyfriend. I don’t know if I love him, and I’m constantly questioning my feelings. Sometimes when we’re together, I feel like I don’t want to talk to him, or I find him annoying, boring, or even cringe. Then, I feel immense guilt because he’s a loving and caring person who doesn’t deserve this. I have these intrusive thoughts that say: • “You don’t love him.” • “You’re just pretending.” • “You’re fed up with him.” • “You want someone else.” Sometimes, it doesn’t even come as a question like “What if?” — it comes as a statement, which makes it even scarier. And because I feel numb or indifferent when these thoughts come, it feels like they must be true. I’m also terrified that this isn’t ROCD, that maybe I’m not experiencing anxiety at all, and that these thoughts reflect how I truly feel. This fear is paralyzing and makes everything worse. I feel trapped, wondering if I’m just in denial and avoiding the truth. When I’m with him, I get caught in mental compulsions like: • Checking my feelings constantly to see if I feel love. • Comparing how I feel now to how I used to feel. • Seeking reassurance by thinking things like, “If I didn’t love him, would I feel this bad?” • Replaying memories to convince myself that I care about him. • Reading posts about ROCD to feel better, but the relief never lasts. I also feel like I’m ruining my relationship day by day. I get irritable and rude, and I know it hurts him, which makes me feel like a horrible person. I worry that I’m pushing him away and that one day he’ll give up on me, and it’ll be all my fault. Sometimes, I have moments where I feel happy to see him, and that confuses me even more. I recently saw him for a few minutes while I was out with my friends, and I felt joy seeing him. But when we’re together for longer, my mind gets flooded with doubts and fears again. I hate myself for feeling this way. I feel like I’m failing him, and failing myself. I’m scared that I’m in denial, that I don’t really love him, and that I’m forcing myself to be in this relationship. The numbness makes me feel like I don’t care, but deep down, I want to care. I want to love him, feel happy with him, and just be normal. But my thoughts keep telling me otherwise, and I feel trapped in this loop. If anyone has gone through something similar, or has any advice on how to manage these thoughts and compulsions, I’d be so grateful. I just want to know that I’m not alone, and that there’s a way through this. Thank you for reading. 💔
1. Thoughts about Not Loving My Boyfriend: • “What if I don’t love him?” • “I feel like I’ve lost my feelings for him.” • “I don’t feel love the way I used to.” 2. Fear of Changing or Being Different: • “What if I’ve changed and this is the real me now?” • “What if I’ve grown out of the relationship?” 3. Doubt About Attraction: • “I’m not attracted to him anymore.” • “I feel numb when I look at him.” 4. Thoughts of Disconnection and Irritation: • “I feel irritated when he shows affection.” • “I feel bored or disconnected when we talk.” • “Why do I feel like I can’t stand him sometimes?” 5. Fear of Denial: • “What if I’m in denial and I’m just pretending to love him?” • “What if all these thoughts are true?” 6. Fear of Being a Bad Person: • “I’m a terrible person for feeling this way.” • “I’m ruining my relationship and hurting him.” 7. General Anxiety About the Future: • “What if I’ll fall for someone else in the future?” • “What if I’ll never feel love again?” 8. Intrusive Thoughts from the Past: • “I had violent thoughts about my dad.” • “I worried I was a pedophile after seeing a video.” Feelings Associated with These Thoughts: 1. Numbness and Emotional Disconnection: • Feeling emotionally flat or unable to access love or joy. 2. Guilt and Shame: • Feeling like a bad person or partner. 3. Hopelessness and Despair: • Feeling like things will never get better. • Believing i am stuck this way forever. 4. Irritation and Frustration: • Getting annoyed when my boyfriend shows affection. 5. Fear and Panic: • Experiencing overwhelming anxiety when questioning my feelings. 6. Sadness and Confusion: • Crying frequently, feeling lost, or not understanding why i feel this way. Compulsions I Engage In: 1. Reassurance Seeking: • Constantly asking others if everything is okay or if your feelings are normal. 2. Researching and Googling: • Searching for answers about ROCD, anxiety, and relationships online. • Checking forums like the NOCD app for reassurance. 3. Mental Checking and Analysis: • Constantly checking if i feel love, attraction, or connection. • Analyzing every interaction and emotion to see if they’re “right.” 4. Confessing: • Telling your boyfriend or others about your thoughts to relieve guilt or doubt. 5. Avoidance: • Pulling back from conversations or interactions with my boyfriend due to anxiety. 6. Comparing: • Comparing your current feelings to how you used to feel at the beginning of the relationship. 7. Self-Criticism: • Judging yourself harshly and believing i am a terrible person. FEELING SO REAL I’m struggling with ROCD and it’s consuming me. My intrusive thoughts make me feel like I don’t love my boyfriend, that I’ve changed, or that I’m a terrible person. These thoughts make me feel numb, disconnected, and hopeless. My compulsions include constant reassurance-seeking, analyzing my feelings, researching online, and confessing my fears. It’s exhausting, and I’m desperate to feel like myself again. Does anyone relate to this? How do you cope?
Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling a lot with my thoughts and feelings about my boyfriend. He’s an amazing person—kind, loving, and supportive—but I constantly feel like I’m faking everything. It’s like I’m a liar pretending to love him, and deep down, I don’t actually want to be with him. Whenever he tells me he loves me or shows affection, I feel guilty because I think, What if I don’t love him back? It feels so real, like the truth is staring me in the face and I’m just refusing to accept it. I keep asking myself: Am I just staying with him because I’m used to him? What if I’ve never truly loved him? What if I’m a bad person for stringing him along? I don’t feel anything when we kiss or when he’s sweet to me, and that terrifies me. Sometimes I even feel irritated by him or like I don’t want to be around him, and then the guilt becomes unbearable because I know he doesn’t deserve that. This constant analyzing is taking over my life. I can’t even tell what’s real anymore. Am I lying to myself because I’m scared to face the truth? Or is this just my anxiety distorting everything? I feel like such a horrible person for even having these thoughts. If anyone has felt like this, please let me know how you managed to deal with it. I’m exhausted and just want to feel like myself again. he is also at my house amd i feel numb he tries to make me understand that i do like him and i feel so bad.
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