- Username
- stardustnchaos
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Your right ocd ‘feels’ horrible,but the feelings are not facts they are just a symptom of the thoughts,you are a good person and you can recover 🤗🤗🤗
Ocd is mainly a feeling problem, despite it being falsely understood as thought problem by some. You are rationally aware of how wrong the thoughts are yet you're emotionally affected by them anyway. That's why we need erp, to desensitize our reaction to these thoughts.
yes you're very right
I’m so sorry my friend. This is one of the hardest parts of pocd. The way you feel right now is not the way a real pedophiles feels. A real predator would have been ecstactic to know that they would have a child coming into their life to prey on and they would seek out as many chances to have access to the child as possible. You probably don’t even want to be in the same continent as a child sometimes because the thoughts are so disgusting to you. We need adults like you who are aware of these things and are actively aware of how they are affecting the children around them. Your body responds to you focusing on certain body parts, fear, excitement, violence, etc., in ways that feel like arousal but are different mechanisms entirely.
yeah, you're right. i was actually thinking how better off he'll be when i move. thanks so much 🥺❤️
I got my first ocd in September it was false memory ocd of me doing something terrible to my sister which then gave me intrusive thoughts every time I saw her. Like disgusting images and thoughts like what if BLA BLA happens(sexual things) and then randomly they turned into like urges/feelings. Every time I’d walk past her instead of what if I was getting thoughts like you should. And things that would be like if you went up and did that thing to her maybe you’d stop getting these thoughts. Worst time of my life but I know that it was just my ocd and I’m glad I didn’t let my ocd win I pushed through and you can too stay strong you are not your thoughts 💖
thank you ❤️❤️ you're so strong
@stardustnchaos Thank you :) hope you have a good day/night xx
@Captain marvel you too :)
agreed shit be painful, but ultimately knowing that any INTRUSIVE THOUGHT NEVER BECOMES TRUE you will be fine:)
it got bad once again.. im so tired
This may upset some people reading so here is just a warning that these are disturbing I don’t know what to do to make the bad thoughts stop. My mom recently had a baby, my little brother. I wasn’t exactly happy about this pregnancy, but I have nothing against my brother. He’s adorable and silly. Nothing against him. But I feel like these thoughts bug me because what if deep down I do resent him because I didn’t want my mom to have another kid? What if I did act on these things because I hate him? What if I just lose it and do something? It’s all so illogical, I know. Never would I ever want to do that. But there’s times I’m watching him for a few minutes for my mom and my brain just shows me an awful scene of me brutally hurting him or killing him. Or I’ll be holding him and my brain shows me a scene where I purposefully drop him or I just hurt him so badly. I’ll be walking near him and my brain tells me I’m going to stomp on him. It shows me such bad things. I have intrusive thoughts all the time, but this is different because there’s a semi good reason I “could” do it. That being, I wasn’t happy about the pregnancy. And it scares me. I’ve started crying because I was so scared it was going to happen. I have to back up away from him or sit down so there’s no way I can do anything. I feel horrible. I don’t want to hurt him. And I’m so scared I will. But I won’t. I’m hoping this makes sense to others who struggle with this. Because to anyone else who’s never gone through these things I’ll sound insane. And sound like a psychopath. Thanks for reading. Any help would be appreciated.
I’m having a very bad evening with my intrusive thoughts. I was doing really good dealing with them but tonight one hit me hard. I’ve been having a lot of different intrusive thoughts but I’ll have one occasionally about hurting my mom or my dog who I love and they’re the only family I have in my life. They’re my world. I was helping my mom put away the dishes and I had the big kitchen knife in my hand and my intrusive thought was you could stab your mom. And then my brain said I had a twitch in my hand and that meant I wanted to do it. Let me just say that I wouldn’t hurt a fly. I actually caught a fly in a glass and put it outside instead of killing it this evening before this intrusive thought happened. I’m such a gentle and compassionate and caring person and these thoughts instantly cause me to have a panic attack. And I have no one to talk to them about. I know they’re hard for my mom to hear and I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am. I do desperately want to tell her and have her reassure me that I’m not crazy or a psycho. Then my thoughts wander to if your hand did flinch could you be a psychopath. Is hurting someone in you. I know it’s not but I feel like my mind is out to get me and hurt me. I’m working so hard and I thought I was doing so good but I need to know why I have these thoughts. They’re not ok. I need someone to help me make sense of why. I know we aren’t supposed to ruminate but I shouldn’t have thoughts like this about people I love and care about the most in the world.
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