- Username
- Rivka
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I go to God. Not a beauty that is what matches the world view or what I think is good enough. I know that I am good enough for God and he made my beautiful soul and body. The same God that made this beautiful earth also made me. So how could I do this to myself? the beautiful creation that God made is you. Not because it’s what the world says it good enough or even you say is good enough but because God created you in His image.
I used to have orthorexia. It became a full blown OCD theme. I felt like if I ate one unclean food or one processed item I'd develop some kind of cancer and die. I would eat nothing but antioxidant rich raw vegan foods. It was horrible and I was constantly terrified of food.
I also struggle with OCD, orthorexia, and ED. Intuitive eating is huge. I’m still not fully recovered myself, but practicing it and finding peace in yourself always helps me. DON’T GIVE UP! It is a PROCESS! You’ll slip ofc, but that’s all part of your recovery and completely normal. You’ve got this, stay strong
Yes!!! I have dealt with orthorexia in the past and it has recently become bad again. I also have fears about allergies in certain foods! I only feel comfortable eating food that I always eat and know is safe so this makes going to eat at restaurants or at friends houses very difficult :( you’re not alone!!!
I was diagnosed with Bulimia nervosa 5 years ago, it was an offshoot to my ocd and triggered by anxiety. I would get a obsessive thought in my head about someone or something and it would cause me to feel so sick to my stomach that I would have to make myself vomit in order to feel somewhat better. I would then binge eat and purge again repeatedly until I would faint because I was so weak... episodes like this would last days and would happen at least once a week. Iv been getting help for it and I’m doing great now, my body is so healthy that I just had a baby (there were some complications during the pregnancy and birth) but me and baby are healthy and doing great. Which is awesome considering my bulimia was so bad that my mensural cycle stopped and I was told I wouldn’t be able to have a baby without ivf in he future because of the damage I have done to my body. I would also like to add that I refused medication-treatment for the bulimia and my treatment was all therapy based. As I said though, mine wasn’t triggered by weight gain or body image so I don’t know if my story will help you, but I have almost fully recovered so it’s definitely doable with persistence ? good luck to you with you’re battle, I know how hard it can be
I have been struggling with anorexia for almost 7 years, but I’m finally at a good place in recovery. I find what helps me is keeping myself busy with fulfilling activities to constantly distract myself from the ed thoughts. Also opposite action!! Do the opposite of what the eating disorder and ocd tell you! Small steps- it takes time and motivation to live a happy life
hey guys, anyone with eating disorders or body dysmorphia? ive had certain habits for a long, long time but ive started seeing them through a different light now. i usually try and starve myself to stay unbloated and skinny looking, and usually after a while i get so hungry that i binge eat. after the binge is over, i either drink excessive amounts of coffee (to work like laxatives) or i starve for days on end to “make up” for it. in all honesty, i would just throw up if it wasnt for a surreal fear of vomiting (only way emetophobia has been good for me ever) about half of the time i feel good about my looks, weight, body, face and all that, but the rest of the time i feel like i look disgusting, and thats where the starving comes in, and excessive grooming habits to cover my flaws. all of this was way worse a couple of years ago, and then it got way better, but along with all of this ocd this has gotten worse again. i feel like the way the “eating disorder” habits and the “body dysmorphia” plays out kind of look like an ocd cycle (sorry for self diagnosing, i dont know if i actually have these) another thing that i know for sure is very unhealthy is the amount of shame and embarrassment i have towards my body. i feel i “have” to do so many things to cover up, prevent or get ready for certain events or plans. overall, any time i need to be proper or any bodypart of mine has a role in something, i get so stressed to the point of panic attacks. i nearly had a burnout when i was seeing this guy for two months (my first time dating someone) from just sheer stress. before meeting up with him i would panic for hours, and still would while being with him. i barely got to enjoy the good times.
Content note: disordered eating Seeking advice I've gained some weight during the lockdown and it's causing me considerable distress. Food and weight are on my mind all the time and I've started obsessively counting calories and weighing myself. I know this is a really dangerous slope but don't really know how to deal with this theme. I'm really distressed about how out of control I am of my own body. Any advice on stopping this in its tracks would be greatly appreciated ?
Possible trigger warning if anyone else has an ED. I saw a post online that basically said if you cant have a restrictive eating disorder without being fatphobic. I have Anorexia, struggled with it for years. I truly believe in beauty at every size and eating what you want, I've never been the type of person to judge others for their bodies or what they eat. I would never look down on someone for their weight and I hate it when other people with my disorder shame people for being overweight or use it to 'encourage' themselves. I do have an unexplainable fear of gaining weight but that unfortunately just comes with the illness and i only ever apply these standards to myself. There's even been times I wished more people could think more like me so that I wouldn't be insecure about gaining weight. I genuienly dont equate weight to anyone's worth, to me it's just a number until I'm the one on the scale. My OCD is telling me now that by struggling an ED i hate fat people or am being offensive. That I should force myself to eat even though it makes me anxious and it's not something I can just force myself to do. I've been in this horrible limbo all day with my mind on whether or not just being sick makes me a terrible person. :') I hate OCD.
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