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- ⋆⁺₊⋆mol⋆⁺₊⋆
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 1y ago
To bring some positivity in: what is something everyone has done this week that they are proud of? I would love to hear! Please share whatever you are comfortable with!
To bring some positivity in: what is something everyone has done this week that they are proud of? I would love to hear! Please share whatever you are comfortable with!
I talked to my mom last night about how thankful I am that she has been so supportive of me while I'm battling with this. She has been my biggest supporter and I don't know what I would do without her.
Wow! Beautiful! Great mom, great son. 👍👏😊
I at least made it through the night without confessing!
Hello. Congratulations! 👋 I am sorry, but your answer put a smile on my face after a long while. I don't mean to make fun of your problems. Please do not see it that way. But something about not confessing makes me want to laugh. It sounds sweet although I know it is not funny for you at all. Could you sort of satisfy my curiosity and tell me what things do you normally confess? Thanks for making me smile, even if I know it is not nice to you. But I do appreciate it. Big hug.
@NODA No worries! I suffer from ROCD, so any time I feel an attraction or have a thought about someone other than my partner, I feel really guilty and anxious, and worry that I’ve betrayed him in some way. My ex was emotionally abusive, and equated thoughts to cheating, so that is really ingrained in my brain. Co-diagnosis with CPTSD from my ex.
@LittleBird Oh, dear! That must be soooo hard! Wow! The urge to confess. Doesn't sound funny anymore. I am sorry about the emotional abuse. I had it in life from almost everyone but my husband. Even he did it to an extent when he hated me because of my ocd before he understood what ocd is. Do you feel like that only with people in your life, "real people", or do you feel like you need to confess even if you watch a movie and find an actor attractive or sexy? How does your now partner feel about your urge to confess? Is that sth ok for him or does he get upset when you tell him you found someone else attractive? There is a beautiful song by Reba McEntire - Have you ever cheated on me? If you can, listen to it. She points out the difference between real cheating and just a thought. Real cheating would break his heart, but having a passing thought about someone else means nothing, it's just what people do. As long as they don't act on it, it means you are faithful and you love your partner. You choose not to cheat on him, not to act upon your thoughts. I am sure, even if the thought turned into opportunity, you would choose your partner. You are a nice, faithful person. And extremely honest. More than your partner wants to know or wants you to be, I am sure. 😉😊 Nice to know you. Believe me, you don't cheat. You worry about your thoughts. A person who cheats, puts themselves first and doesn't care much about honesty and their partner's feelings. You are great. Now just tell your OCD that I said so! 😁. If it has any questions, let ME set it straight. 😁🤣. Are you feeling at least a bit better? I sure hope so. 🤗❤️
@NODA That made me tear up a little 🥲 thank you for replying so kindly. My current partner (fiancé!) is honestly wonderful. Every time I’ve confessed he’s reassured me that I’m okay. Now, I’m trying to get him to use more non-engagement responses to help me break the confession cycle. He knows how I feel about him and that I’d never actually betray him, and knows it’s also totally normal to find other people attractive - you just choose to stay committed to your person. He’s also super confident in how pretty he is, so that helps too, haha. But he’s been super patient with me and tries his best to understand my OCD even though it’s nothing he’s personally experienced. I’ve done a pretty good job educating him and explaining how my brain works to help him understand because I really don’t want him to take anything I say personally. I really only feel the urge to confess when it’s real people - coworkers, friends, his friends, people at the gym, etc. Celebrity crushes have always been totally fine.
@LittleBird I am so happy you are getting such a nice man for a husband. And he knows he is getting a great woman. You are doing everything right. You 2 are a team and you will beat ocd together. What more can a person with ocd ask for, than for a partner who cares enough to listen, understand, support and do what is necessary to help. Life is great. I don't know if you realise it, but I think you have won a future husband lottery. So did he with you. You care so much about him, that you worry that even your unwanted thoughts might hurt him. Isn't that something. Big hug to both of you. 😘🤗❤️
@NODA Thank you 🥹❤️
I found NOCD and other resources and got an OCD diagnosis which gave me so much clarity. I feel terrified but also less alone. Will be starting ERP soon which scares me but I also realized that it’s possible for me to learn to live a life without the need for certainty or constant reassurance. Before I learned about OCD I a) didn’t know that that was even a thing LOL and b) never thought about how much better my life could be without it!
@Anonymous78 My diagnosis made me feel so seen and happier!
I didn’t ask for reassurance if my boyfriend loves me!
I have sent my psychiatrist to hell in a polite but "don't mess with me anymore" kind of way. For the 1st time in my life I did for myself what I usually do for other people and animals, I stood up for myself. I still haven't received her reply. But knowing her, she doesn't give a damn anyway. She hardly ever answers. I think she is bipolar. One meeting she is all nice and talkative, the next all quiet and in a bad mood. I never know what to expect. I have no idea if she's going to understand what I am telling her in my mail or will she just lash out on me, but at least I spoke up. What a nice idea, dear hi.im.mol. Thanks. Would you share your experience as well? 😊🤗
What are your wins/win recently? Also what is something you are grateful for in your ocd journey? My win is starting trauma therapy finally. Im very nervous but I know it will be beneficial. As for what Im grateful for with my ocd journey, its the love and support of my husband who has stuck by me for almost 20 years so far through all my diificult battles with ocd. I hope this post inspires people and gives them hope! It does get better! I also suffer from bipolar, anxiety and ptsd, too and it is possible to live a good life with multiple mental issues.
So today was great I went out and had a good time went to the mall and just chilled for a bit. Then went to see my friends and I decided to tell them what I go through on a daily basis with OCD and they excepted me with open arms. But I do feel that stuff might change but it was progress and I'm proud of myself I just couldn't keep it in anymore and I did it. I hope anyone going through any type of OCD is able to tell friends and family and hopes of more positive outlook. I'm proud each and every one of us who is going through this. Love yall
Hi everyone :) i need hobby ideas what are things that require you to take care of something? (As in like taking care of a pet/plant)
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