- Username
- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Brain awake
I’m having a rough go of getting to sleep. My thoughts have been very active tonight.
I’m having a rough go of getting to sleep. My thoughts have been very active tonight.
It’s okay to have active thoughts! You can grab a pen and notebook and start writing out all the thoughts if you’d like to do something physical or you could imagine yourself sitting down in a movie theater watching the thoughts go by on a screen. Notice yourself noticing the thoughts. There’s nothing you need to change.
the most important thing is to try not to question why you feel this way, or why the thoughts seem really bad. Whether you believe it or not, when you accept how you feel, your mind will let go of the thought and move on. Takes a while to master this, be patient with yourself, you will mess up, you will spiral again, what’s important is that you accept it all. "my recovery is taking long and that’s okay, i will be healed with time".
walk around your room or house for a little bit and do something off your phone for a second then try later If that doesn’t work maybe turn on a podcast or something tame to listen to? Those are my go tos. Good luck!
tell yourself "my anxiety is worse than it normally is" and tell yourself it’s natural and okay. tell yourself "these things bring me stress and anxiety” and really feel how it makes you feel. Whenever your mind goes down the spiral of a thought, remind yourself it only did that because my anxiety is worse than it normally is. Remind yourself that just because the thought is pressing doesn’t mean that you have to react to it, remember that your mind feels threatened and is trying to protect you from the threat that fortunately is not really there!
@Anonymous Very helpful!
I've discovered recently that around a few hours after waking up my OCD and anxiety flares up and even when I'm "done" with a compulsion, it just keeps going regardless, because my brain is active and goes back to the thought and keeps adding. The different thoughts are spread out through different hours of the day, but in the morning I can resist, then more in the afternoon it's like I don't have the ability to resist anymore and the anxiety takes over, even if I'm out doing things. It always calms down when it's the next day in the early hours of the morning, the time I also feel the happiest or calmest too. If I "finish" a compulsion or ritual, which is a compulsion, or tell myself this is the time to stop, and wait around 1-3 hours the feeling wears off, but i still get scared I'll do it again which most times i don't do because the anxiety leaves, only at night tho when my brain gets tired. I don't go out a lot so that's the reason I think my brain is becoming more active, and maybe a bit too active. It's become manageable and predictable but obviously still irritating.
Today I was officially diagnosed, and a lot of my thoughts all day have been “man, what if I actually don’t have it and I exaggerated my symptoms or something.” I had this thought especially because I hadn’t had a really bad episode in a while. But then sure enough, I had a little episode tonight. I feel like I might’ve brought it upon myself, at least in small part. Having difficulty separating OCD paranoia from real life problems to be considered with at the moment 👎🏻 Gonna sleep on it! 🙏🏻❤️
I should probably take sleeping pills to sleep Thoughts: what’s if u don’t wake up What if ur child get into ur pills cause u thought u left them closed but they weren’t Gets up from the bed every 6mins to make sure the room is clear of anything harmful in case my child wakes up before me What if someone gets hurt and it’s my fault What if I can’t sleep cause something is gonna happen and god wants me awake to prevent it What if what if what if why can’t I just get some shit eye
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