- Date posted
- 1y ago
Hello!! If you use scripts, do you record yourself with an app, write them down and read aloud, or?
Hello!! If you use scripts, do you record yourself with an app, write them down and read aloud, or?
You can do all of the above 😊
For me in ERP therapy for real event OCD I've been writing them out in the form of letters to others involved, lists of times I failed, or believed I did, worst case scenarios, to name 3. Whatever works to over expose us to our triggers is key. This way we can learn the tools that help us manage and not react with compulsions. I don't believe there's a right or wrong way, it's a matter of finding an effective way, because we're all unique. :-)
So my main compulsion is ruminating, replaying. Two months ago I was awake every night between 12-4 am caught in the cycle of thoughts. After writing things out, as I mentioned above, I'm able to read over the writings, which agitats me and forces me to want to respond with my compulsions, then use my response tools to resist the compulsions. Practicing more retrains the brain to naturally manage the thoughts rather than reacting to them. Now when I wake with the thoughts, I've been able to fall back asleep rather quickly.
I record myself and write them down. Sometimes I listen, sometimes I read aloud.
@Rcope09 What app do you use? Yo record yourself. To be honest it sounds awful I hate hearing my voice!
@Anonymously0CD I record mine through the NOCD app since I am with a NOCD therapist. But you could record yourself on your phone and listen to it repeatedly. I know what you mean, but I think it’s important to hear your own voice reading your worst fears aloud.
Does anyone have any tips they can share as to what they do to prevent intrusive images from coming into their brain? Or when it happens how to cope?
What are some songs, movies, tv shows, books that make you feel safe? For me I have a playlist of songs that I add to over time. I only have three on there at the moment but they help me so much. (Something) by The Microphones Black Wave by The Shins Rosyln by Bon Iver and St. Vincent I’ll also imagine a storm outside, or imagine myself living in a lighthouse :p Hbu!?
Guys I need help. I feel so alone . Basically I have this compulsion where I feel the need to write everything but this stems from me being anxious about EVERYTHING. Like my mom came in my room and I was irritated and snapped, immediately regretted now I keep writing “don’t be mean to mom next time” but I keep thinking about it. Then I think about how I finally left my house today and all the surfaces I touched that could’ve been contaminated and now I’m writing “next time don’t touch this and this”. Then I think about all the things I need to be doing for this week and I’m writing “don’t forget to do this and this” even though I’ve written it 5 times already. This is what happens everyday btw. My brain always thinks about something I need to be doing and making me anxious that I’ll forget it which is why I write it down on my notes app. I’m sooo mentally exhausted I need help pls!! Anyone have any advice ? I used to think I need to stop the writing but really I need to stop the anxious thoughts coming into my head . People say I need to accept the thoughts and let it go but that’s too hard for me
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