- Date posted
- 1y ago
I dont feel like I'm built for love.
I dont know why my Relationship OCD is so bad. It's so bad that I lost my best friend of YEARS over an episode because I was scared I had a crush on her when I didn't. Even just the notion of dating makes me so anxious to my stomach. I get obsessions over every little thing about a relationship and it becomes all I can think about even if we're just in the talking stage. But its sad. Because I want to date. I dont like being single. I'm a hopeless romantic who wants to experience dating and a happy relationship. My friends get in relationships and I know I can't navigate relationships normally and that relationships are always just going to be working through severe anxiety for me. It feels like it's not even worth trying when all a relationship is for me is panic attacks and losing sleep over every little thing. I can barely enjoy it. On top of that, I'm asexual. It's so hard to date as an asexual because most people aren't willing to compromise on a relationship without sex. These two things combined make me feel like I'm just not supposed to experience that kind of love in my life. And it hurts because I've wanted to have a relationship and get married since I was a kid.