- Date posted
- 1y ago
Please advice needed from Christian’s
I’m feeling really upset. Recently I’ve become closer to God. And been reading lots of things about Christianity. Now I have always believed from the moment I met my bf that he was different and unlike any feeling I’ve felt before. I’ve been having these intrusive thoughts saying “what if God didn’t choose this person for me” and similar things which makes me scared. I know the earthy term of marriage doesn’t exist in heaven , but I believe that if both partners believe they can spend eternity together in heaven. I keep having thoughts of “what if I get to heaven and God says I’ve got a different person planned for you and you wasted your time” that SCARES the hell out of me and makes me so upset. I feel like wether soulmates exist or not he is mine… and he has said the same thing to me… just because we both have made mistakes and are not perfect and may think differently sometimes, he genuinely feels like home to me and I want to cry while writing that because it’s true. To me, I feel in my heart my bf is truly my soulmate, even tho we both have things to learn still on our journey. Even when we have separated many times we always come back together because we can’t stay away, there’s something that draws us together no matter what happens… I don’t mean for these thoughts to happen and it feels like a new theme starting for me. I’ve been a mess all day because of these thoughts and I know a bunch of strangers can’t tell me if he’s my soulmate or not, or the person that’s meant for me, but has anyone had similar ocd themes to this? I genuinely feel afraid because I don’t want there to be anyone else, he is my everything, so is our daughter we share together… and God is too! I am trying to put my faith above everything else in my life because that’s what is expected as a Christian. Why is this so painful? Im not doubting my relationship I genuinely am so in love with my boyfriend and want to be with him forever and one day eternity in heaven. Then I have these intrusive thoughts that are trying to make it out like Gods the one telling me this (intrusive thoughts and doubt come from the devil, not God) it hurts my soul to have these thoughts racing in my mind. If I spend my life with my partner (this is both of our intentions) and we continue to become better in our relationship, and always try for eachother nomatter what then doesn’t that make him my soulmate? Isn’t your soulmate meant to be the one you feel like you couldn’t live without, the one you turn to with everything, the one who makes your life happier and your heart feel full? I guess ocd just likes to attack anything Good I have going on.