- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
You have to be strong! People don’t understand that with ocd it affects us more. We absorb more pain and hurt and when you’re a nice and kind person it’s hard to understand how someone can be so insensitive. Don’t let it flare up or ramp up your ocd, it’s not productive. Take a step back and make yourself a stronger better person everyday. You deserve it.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
U are strong ? and brave you are also a beautiful girl on the inside and outside ❤️ never forget that you matter to this world
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Thank you so much for your reply. Thing is this person has mental health issues herself but will never recognise she has. I believe she is a narcissist. I fell out with her years ago as she pretended she had cancer. I couldn't cope with her lies and deceit. Then when almost my mum she came back into my life and basically used me. Ever since she came back into my life she has slagged me off to her friend (who has actually now cut all ties with her) and this lady has become a dear friend of mine now. She twisted something and lied to us both but we kept in contact. She is jealous of me and what I have and even after two months is saying nasty things to my new friend who is ignoring her. I basically told her children that she was in hospital and she went absolutely crazy at me. Her daughter then confided in some very personal things to me that her mother had done to her when she was growing up and she basically agreed with me and that I should cut all ties with her mother. I have now. When I was going through a bad time with my ocd this year she did help me and told my friend she was worried about me. But now my ocd has latched onto to ... What if she tells a dear friend of mine whom I have known for over 40years that I had an intrusive thought about his daughter (who loves me dearly). I know it sounds crazy and daft and doesn't really matter as her grandparents were the ones to help me through my ocd and knew every thought I had! It us just my OCD fearing the worst and has managed to latch onto something that is so dear to me! Sounds crazy I know! At first I didnt worry as she hastily said that everyone laughs at me and calls me loopy louise which I found comforting actually as I laugh about it all too! But my mind has now conjured up this daft one! I am going to ask my counsellor if we can do some erp concerning this worry! Thank you so very much for your input. I know I am a very kind and caring person but unfortunately this horrible parasite has knocked my confidence. Xx
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I’ve noticed how a lot of people with OCD have this core fear of being judged (including myself) and that just adds so much more fuel to our anxieties. One thing I’ve read in regards to dealing with this is having to accept the fact that we can’t control what others think of us. It sucks, especially when we try our damnedest to please everyone so no one hates or dislikes us but it only causes more pain unfortunately. I’ve slowly had to accept this fact and accept the possibilities that not everyone is going to think kindly of me or understand me. That person who said whatever they said about you shouldn’t be much of a concern. I know that’s a lot easier said than done and it’s a lot harder when you’re filled with anxiety. Work on taking care of yourself and let those people think whatever they want to think. They’re not worth your time if they think of you that way.
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- 25w ago
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- Date posted
- 23w ago
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- Date posted
- 18w ago
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