- Date posted
- 24w ago
Let's talk!
Hello I'm just posting to see if anyone needs to talk about your day or what's bothering you! Feel free to comment
Hello I'm just posting to see if anyone needs to talk about your day or what's bothering you! Feel free to comment
hey! how are ya? it’s nice to see a post like this. I rlly appreciate it. I do have something that’s bothering me, which I just posted on here. it’s a very long post, but if u take the time to read, I would appreciate it a lot.
Hey I will read it soon, if there's anything else you want to say feel free to do so!
Hello, I tried look for your post but I did not find it, could you talk here if it doesn't bother you?
@Viny ahh, it’s a pretty long post. it should be labeled “I need help. please” something like that
@veinsoul I will look for it, sorry I was away yesterday I wasn't feeling well
@Viny I already replied to ur msg on my post but wanted to say on this post: it’s okay! no worries. you aren’t obligated to reply right away.
@veinsoul I replied to you, my stance is; talk to someone you trust. Seek therapy and be safe.
Hi thanks for asking. It’s been a difficult weekend and I feel lost with erp.
Want to talk more about it? Erp can be confusing at first
@Viny I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be feeling. Nothing feels different in my mind.
@SadAndConfused - I understand you, the best advice I can give is, don't try to understand how you should feel, try to let it go
Hi! I hope you’re well. Today is the first day I’m doing some actual work to manage my ROCD. I am not able to talk to my therapist yet so I am trying to handle it on my own until then. It’s rough but I want to get better :)
Hey! I hope you can get in touch with your therapist soon and keep doing the ERP just don't strain yourself too much
hello all! i am relatively new to nocd and kinda interested in finding a support person on this app. i am 22 years old, struggling with many forms of ocd, anxiety and depression. i have friends, but at the end of the day they truly don’t understand what’s going on in my brain. with this post, i am hoping to find someone similar to my age range and what not so we can have eachother to lean on for support. thanks for reading!
Hey how are you all doing ? I’m looking for people who has struggled with existential ocd bc I feel this theme is not very common and very hard ( at least for me ) so anyway if you would like to exchange about it don’t hesitate ! I’m looking for support bc god I hate this theme
hey! i was thinking it would be cool if there would be a place where we could find people and become friends with other people dealing with ocd. it could be a safe place for us to say our experience so far, or to just talk about anything, even if it’s not ocd related. lmk what you think about this idea and comment what you think we could/should make it on!
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