- Username
- Jamarceline
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Happy Valentine's Day and false memories are memories that never happened but you feel like they did happen and you start to believe them.
I mean it's when I'm confused if this happened for real or it was in my dream some time ago ? Is it a false memorie as well?
I'll use a scenario I'm going through: My boiler broke before Christmas. Small leak, still usable and fixed within 4 days. Bit of an anxious tone, but nothing major. - that's the reality. Now, my mind plays it back as follows: The boiler was POURING BOILING water over the place. The house was freezing cold. My family felt let down by me because it happened and I am generally a failure as a father and husband. So, that's the real and false past. how does it make ne feel today? Well, I can no longer go in to the kitchen as the boiler will explode on me. My family going in the kitchen sends me in to a state of utter meltdown. This is why rumination is so bad, especially for those with OCD. The past was a disaster, the future will be worse and the end result a lot of people end up with is being scared to live life. So, the question shouldn't even exist. You shouldn't ask what false memories are because they are in the past. No matter if they ate real or not, they don't control your future, so don't give those memories the time they ask for. Hope thay makes sense?
Not to discredit the link and this 100% DOES exist, but, I think it's somewhat harmful to keep classing thinks as different forms of OCD. At the end of the day they are all just OCD. The way it's treated is mostly the same way. If you start putting a different term on each thing, you could start treating the individual type of OCD. This may cure you in the short term, but long term, OCD in general will find a new easy to trip you up which may fall under one of these other OCD sub types. Ate you then going to get therapy for reach individual OCD sub type ad they appear, or treated for OCD in general, which makes fat more sense...
@Riso123 I completely agree. It’s just that I think it helps to accept uncertainty when you know exactly how much your ocd is capable of.
Is it like for example ? I remember something and I dont know if it happened or it happened in my dream ?
Yes it probably is but the @Riso123 can explain it better. Im not the best at advicing on this since im suffering with distinguishing reality from the fake memories.
Thanks I understand now. Looks like I had this first time when I was 18 ;(
Riso123 yes it makes sense .it seems like weird emotion of feeling guilty . i had this once too when i had a bf i went out to have some fun with friends at a party and when i woke up in the morning i didnt know if i cheated on him or no but i had weird feeling that i did cheat on him but i didnt remember anything cause i had too much alcohol , and i was anxious until I checked my private female parts if they feel different but it was all the same ( It was long time ago and I had long distance relationship with my boyfriend). But now those "memories " aren't that dramatic they are just random and theme is just "did I do it or no ? " so I dont know it's weird too me. Maybe it's a side effect on quitting of antidepressants but I stopped taking them 3months ago . I also had weird feeling of a deja vu few times a week in January this year
Can someone explain what magical thinking OCD is please :))
Question for you guys, Those of you who suffer from HOCD or POCD and have vivid memories that contradict who you feel you are, how do you manage those memories? I had an OCD/anxiety attack that clinged on to the memories around me being curious after being bullied in school. My OCD keeps telling me that I enjoyed those experiences more than I should have. Even though it ended in tears and me knowing that that's not who I am, my OCD keeps telling me that it's an indication of my being gay or bi. I realize that some of those memories may be fake, but in the scope of acceptance of uncertainty let's assume that everything is right. My therapist tried to calm me down by saying that this is really normal and expected in young children and that it has nothing to do with who we are, especially since I was interested in girls and always fantasized about chased after them from a very young age.
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