- Username
- NickD
- Date posted
- 3y ago
When I first started ERP with an NOCD therapist my OCD actually got worse but that is normal. I would spend half the day crying because of the distress from the practice exposures. I only have 2 sessions left and I feel stronger than I have ever been in my entire life!!
That’s good to know
Yes I tried doing 10/10 exposures on my own and it is horrific
@NickD Totally - it’s hard not to try those exposures to try to feel better. But I’m really having faith that it will be much easier when a professional walks me through it instead of doing it alone😊
@Danielle Speaking for myself...I couldn’t do ERP without a therapist to guide me.
@Danielle Yes me too. They are worth the struggle to fight this.
Don’t be! Honestly sometimes they’re even kinda fun. You both got this !
Really? What was fun for you?
@Danielle Right ??!
if an exposure was fun for you i highly doubt it was actually a useful exposure...
You start w easier exposures and work your way up to the more difficult ones. My OCD is most prevalent when I’m in romantic relationships. I feel guilty for everything I do or say or think. I feel bad if I even could’ve technically lied. And so confessions were my compulsion. Some of my exposures included reading articles where women were keeping deep secrets from their partners. Some other ones were telling white lies to my friends. Writing scripts. Wearing certain clothes or things that might provoke guilt. Of course the exposures get harder as you work your way up the ladder. But reading articles/doing exposures with my therapist or completing the homework shed give me and reporting back w how it went was the “fun” part. I can only think of one exposure that made me emotional. Of course everyone is different and I do have other OCD subtypes I worked on that don’t have to do w relationships or romantic partners.
Thank you this was very helpful
That was so helpful, mine are related to relationships too. Thank you for sharing this, it’s encouraging to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel 😊 I totally have confessions like that too. How strange.
Nick, have you made your heirarchy yet? Part of the reason you make it is so that you can titratethe levels of anxiety that you will experience. As you do the lower levels of the heirarchy, your ability to tolerate the anxiety and fear will increase, so the things at the top will be tolerable. Keepin mind that this is YOUR therapy. Although ERP is definitely going to make you uncomfortable, you have a big say in how fast it progresses, how scary the exposures, etc.
Me too😣
Exposure therapy is so hard and so scary i can barely do it but i don’t want to be consumed by my ocd. does anybody have any tips on how to get through it.
guys, I have a few questions. OCD is such an interesting thing because it is so simple yet so sneaky. The OCD I've been going through recently is (resistance to feelings) "I better not get feelings for anyone because I might lose control and be abandoned" my therapist has got me doing an exposure which is "I will get feelings, fall in love and be rejected" 5 minutes a day, 5 times a day. I noticed the anxiety subsiding but then I do move towards getting feelings and the fears return. Any advice here?
I’ve officially given my therapist some of the thoughts I get from POCD and I don’t really know where to start with how im “supposed” to expose myself to them?? There’s also something I didn’t mention to her that I didn’t feel comfortable sharing and I should I have but it was already late in the session so I didn’t. Should I just wait til she assigns me the exposures and then do them?
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