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- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 3y ago
It is definitely possible to get better! ERP and avoiding compulsions can completely change one’s world.
For sure, it’s totally possible once your brain feels in control it’s easy getting to that part is tough, the dissociation and lack of control is debillatating. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Ruined my life for a year and a half. Before that I was super confident, finally getting to that point but it strips your identity
@Anonymous Mine comes in waves. I went thru this last year then I had 7mos of OCD Freedom, the. BAM in Jan 2022, it started again. Totally out of the blue, I wasn't expecting it nor was i thinking any thoughts, I couldn't figure out why I was being anxious, then whew off when the thoughts and they have turned into mountains
@jemcu812 Had it when I was 20 for a month but didn’t know what was going on, then went back to being 100 percent lol did erp without knowing what I was doing. Then at 26 went into overdrive one gay thought. Lol everyone has them too you even when 100 percent you get these thoughts like kissing your mom, or two dudes kissing. You think nothing of it
How does one stick with the overwhelming thoughts? I’m in a bit of a bad spot right now, but I have to move up my heirarchy…but my thoughts feel so real.
@Dutchgirl Allot of deep breathes!!!
@jemcu812 Breaths! I meant
@Dutchgirl Flex your stomach in the beginning and let the thoughts flow, again and again and again. Eventually your deepest fear will be your biggest asset. That thought since it’ll eventually be low anxiety but will keep popping up can be used to flow the thoughts. That’s the backdoor spike area, you want it to be low anxiety. From there you keep going from low anxiety eventually will disappear to like once or twice a day. Hey not bad
@Dutchgirl Maybe work on the exposure you’re on now until you feel ready to move up the hierarchy? Rushing yourself through it wouldn’t be helpful to you i believe
@Anonymous Thanks for the great advice! This too shall pass I suppose.
@Dutchgirl I promise you’ll get better, it’s a glitch in the brain. Don’t tell yourself that though, do not ruminate whatsoever. Do not say maybe or maybe not because it’ll create new obsessions. That’s a compulsion. Just sit with the thoughts let them flow do not react question or respond. You will get better, do this for yourself and the people who love you.
Get on a antidepressant helps big time, if your in panic mode exposures don’t really work. The combination makes it easier. If I took medication in the beginning my ocd would be gone, 100% you got to stop ruminating all together there’s no truth no maybes or maybe nots. Your brain is a projector it’s up to you to how to respond. When it’s working right you don’t question anything it’s like you are that person. When you ruminate you disassociate from who you are. That’s why ocd is tough because you can’t trust yourself, you aren’t in control.
What meds did you decide on. And you're absolutely right.
I know!!! me too! I'm stuck...
Same here…
Same here
I'm so anxious right now too It's uncomfortable.
I’m on Prozac, I literally had up to 70 obsessions. Went from a kid who had no anxiety at all super confident, to me right now. Im like 95 percent good, just sucks it takes so long. Make sure you don’t say maybe or maybe not that’s how I ended with so many obsessions. Just watch the thoughts, the ones that are toughest repeat 3 times in a row. Remember it’s not the first thought that’s the scariest it’s like the third. Got to build a rythm.
Doc has me on Zoloft . But wants me to switch to Effexor... I'm just so hesitant.
@jemcu812 I tried Luvox at first and did not like it all, I was a zombie, insomniac and couldn’t remember anything obviously because ocd thoughts keep popping up. I’m on Prozac brand not generic, it’s kind of a test trail for every ones brain. This drug worked day 1 and gave me control, like that vice grip on your brain just let up just enough to get a rythym with erp. Not a lot but just enough, without it I found it impossible because I ruminated for so long.
I find that words are harder than thoughts
I’m starting to feel like recovery is not possible. I want to love my boyfriend again. I want to be with him forever. The pain in my chest is becoming unbearable. The headache I have everyday is becoming unbearably exhausting. Losing this relationship will be the biggest regret of my life but I’m also scared that staying will be the biggest regret of my life.
I can't deal with these thoughts anymore I'm so scared its all the time every day. It's gotten to the point where the anxiety is gone and I keep on getting thoughts that say maybe I will do it. I can't do this it's so fucking scary I don't know if I can handle it until my therapy appointment on Monday
Just finished crying after an erp session. This is so hard. I just can’t stop crying 😣! But I will get through it and so can you with anything else
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