- Date posted
- 2y ago
Can I ask
For sperm ocd for me it invokes the fear of getting pregnant but you know how ocd is what you value and ect I can’t figure out how this theme is a value or why it’s like and ocd theme for me?
For sperm ocd for me it invokes the fear of getting pregnant but you know how ocd is what you value and ect I can’t figure out how this theme is a value or why it’s like and ocd theme for me?
Hello, I have the same ocd about that but I’m a guy so I have the fear of getting someone pregnant. I think for me at least, the value is being free and not having to be responsible for another human. I fear my life will be taken away from me and I will never get to accomplish or do everything I want in life. The thought of having a child that is mine scares me because of that. I value my freedom and not having to worry about raising another human. I value wanting to be by myself. OCD about this makes me wash my hands all the time because I am always afraid I have sperm on them and if I touch something or someone it will get inside them somehow. I am afraid of anything sexual and I get so stressed out that someone I know will get pregnant somehow and I question if I did something or not with them even if I know I didn’t. I just get crazy images and thoughts in my head that I did something.
@nick7 I can totally relate to this 💕💛
@nick7 I know this comment is somewhat old but I feel you! Except mine is the opposite. I’m afraid I will come in contact with sperm and I will get pregnant. Bathrooms, Public places, home etc. I can not leave my house because of it. I can’t sit down on chairs in public because I’m afraid there’s sperm on the chair and I’ll get pregnant
This is very common for sure in OCD. I think it is important to recognize that underneath the themes or flavors of OCD, there are core fears- those typically hit at what we value. For you, it could be so many things, like the idea of wanting to be ready when you become a parent, but also think about what OCD demands- certainty- control- what could seem more out of control then an unplanned pregnancy or one that you accidentally got via sperm somehow, that's how OCD works- it wants to insert this nagging doubt, what of this or what if that. The key here is learning to accept that in life there will be uncertainty, and things that happen that are out of our control- that is where the fear really is at. Hope this helps.
@NOCD Therapist - Stacy Q. Thankyou 🥰
I also have this intense anxiety and thoughts about getting pregnant accidentily, and I know it is technically impossible, but I misremeber experiences, and start doubting what happened and then ask for reassurance from other people on what happened and it just makes me feel like they think I am losing my mind. Requiring the constant validation that I did not come into contact with sperm and did not become pregnant is not great at reassuring me.
@Stressed22 I get the same exact way it sucks. I need constant reassurance
@Stressed22 💕💕
I’m so sorry to hear that OCD has latched onto fears of getting pregnant. You are not alone, I have also dealt with this fear and I know many others have as well. Treating this obsession like any other obsession is key here! Try to use some non-engagement responses to combat these intrusive thoughts. “Maybe, maybe not” or even agreeing with statements can be helpful to stop the rumination process. You got this!
@EmilyCruce Thankyou 💛🥰
So I’m 15 and I first realized I had ocd when I was 13. It started with a bad dream I had that triggered intrusive thoughts. The theme of these thoughts were almost purely sexual. It started as Iocd, and that turned into compulsions of not letting family touch me at all and cleaning myself with alcohol and hydrogen peroxide to get rid of “family germs” because in my mind that meant I was a bad person if I so much as even touched an object that they touched, I just started getting over it recently and I’m feeling a lot better, but the other day another theme was triggered after I heard about this guy called “smartschoolboy” and he disgusts me so much. He’s disgusting. After I heard about him it started triggering intrusive thoughts. I was sobbing over the pocd thoughts the other day, and my brain won’t stop trying to convince me that I am one. No matter what. Today it was “why aren’t you crying about these intrusive thoughts like you were the other day, that must mean you think it’s okay to be one” and it just hurts so much to have these thoughts, I can’t live in peace and I was literally fine just a week or two ago, how do I get rid of this, I just want to be happy again (sorry not to sound dramatic I’m just really scared right now) I mean deep down I know I’m not one every time I hear about one I feel disgusted, I hate even thinking about the fact that those type of people exist, but whenever I tell myself that my brain gets to convince me otherwise. My thoughts have always (mostly) been sexually themed but these are the most disturbing ones I’ve had and I’m so scared right now, anything helps please 🙏🏻
I noticed I’ve been posting a lot these past few weeks. I just hate my brain and been having a lot of ocd I’m very picky who I’m intimate with. I also have a strong fear of stds/hiv very heavily. I am afraid of lots of things but I can’t live in fear so I decided to engage in intimacy last night. (TMI) I thought the condom popped, but when he showed me it was closed and sealed but my ocd brain is thinking some of it ripped. Now I know that you have to expose yourself to situations that threaten you. I also noticed that I beat myself up heavy when I do an exposure and im still paranoid and then become grateful I’m so tired of my brain and not being able to enjoy anything sometimes: I sometimes feel like leaving this earth.
I’m so tired of my OCD changing “themes.” And no matter what it changes to, it’s always directed towards a specific person - my mom. My mom and I are very close. I consider her my best friend and we live together. I can share anything with her and she’s very supportive. I’m 32 now, but harm ocd started when I was 15 and she was the main target back then as well. I had a bad flare up this year and the harm thoughts came back, but about a week ago they turned into sexual thoughts. Graphic thoughts and images about incest. These thoughts typically make me feel panic and dread, and just an overall depressed feeling. It has made me uncomfortable to be around my mom, since I can’t even look at her without a sexual thought or image popping up. Even watching a romantic scene in a show, listening a romantic song, etc. My brain wants to put an image of her in my head. Even me fantasizing about a man that I’m attracted to will replace the man with my mom. They just keep popping up. So this of course makes me think I actually want these things, and are actually fantasies. I have started to wonder if I’m in actual denial or that these are my true feelings. I have never been a relationship before due to not having much interest in it plus my mental health issues started as a teen, but someday I would like to get married. But now I’m thinking maybe I’ve never pursued a relationship with someone else because I’m actually in love with my mom and want to be with her, but I can’t so I’m just suppressing my feelings. And I do love my mom, but I question myself is this just platonic or familial love? Also questioning our relationship in general now - is it unhealthy or too dependent? It makes me feel doubt, since I have never really been in love before with someone else so I have nothing to compare it to. Always just crushes or finding a man attractive, and I identify as straight. But I also have not thought of my mom in a sexual way before, so I’m hoping this is just my OCD acting up. Even thinking about a future relationship with a man is making me feel nervous, since I think if I have feelings for my mom, will I ever be able to be in a serious relationship someday? If I’m with someone will I actually just picture her? It makes me feel hopeless, like I can’t help how I feel and what if these things are true? Would I act on them? My brain even made me think, “you want to ask your mom to be in a sexual relationship with you and/or want her to ask you.” I feel like such a pervert for writing that, like a truly disgusting person. I know I don’t want these things to be true, but what if they are and I can’t help how I feel? Again just feel doubt and uncertainty, that I’m in denial, and not to mention just feeling like a very sick individual.
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