- Date posted
- 51w ago
Bipolar depression/OCD
Does anyone else feel like they just don’t want to do anything even when they aren’t obsessing? I feel like I’m pulling teeth to move.
Does anyone else feel like they just don’t want to do anything even when they aren’t obsessing? I feel like I’m pulling teeth to move.
Yessss. I herniated two discs at my job and got denied workman’s comp so I’m stuck in my damn head all day and in a lot of pain so it’s an all day battle. I find I lay in bed a lot and then move to the couch and can’t get peace. I carry a lot of guilt and shame from my past and constant worry which is affecting my physical health now as well. I have to have back surgery and a hysterectomy and on top of having terrible mental health and loneliness it’s scary at times. It’s very hard to find any motivation so I completely understand. You’re not alone. Hugs
I'm so sorry. It's horrible having the mental health and then the physical on top. Do you have any help and support?
@Speckles Some but it’s coming to an end next Friday
@llacerda Why? What do you mean?
@Speckles My moms been living w me and is going back home
@llacerda Do you have therapist?
@Speckles I just started w one but I’ve only had one session. I can’t see her again until Friday then I’m on the calendar weekly
@llacerda Here...NOCD or another place? Are you taking anything besides Ketamine? Not sure if I asked you that
@Speckles A whole list of meds
@Speckles Somewhere else
@llacerda I’ve tried over 20 meds
@llacerda Me too.... nothing. 😔 A couple seemed to work for a few months, but that's it. Have you thought about TMS?
@Speckles Done it and ect and currently doing ketamine
@llacerda Oh wow.... none of them worked?? That really stinks. What else is there beside Ketamine?
@Speckles Nothing that I know of I’m pretty sure I’ve tried it all. My doctor wanted me to do ECT over ketamine so maybe another round of ECT or more med changes. Trying to trust in God but it’s getting hard. It’s been 4 years I’ve been going through this.
@llacerda I'm so sorry. 🙏. I don't know what to say. I thought something would help. There is a new med for bi polar called lybalvi
@Speckles Tried it
@llacerda Oh no!!! How many times of ECT did you do? I've been hospitalized a few times and don't want to go thru it again.
@Speckles Prayers for you. The more we talk about this the more I’m getting depressed so I’m not going to engage in anymore ?s.
@llacerda I get it. Feel the same way. ♥
Yes... have been feeling like it for 2 months now. Ruining my life. I have Bi Polar too. Not sure how to get out of this. Didn't shower for days.
@Speckles I’m trying ketamine and it’s not helping much. They keep changing my meds but meds haven’t seemed to help much. I’m trying to force myself to do simple house hold things and to sit up instead of lay down but my family doesn’t think I’m doing enough to get better.
@llacerda I wanted to try Ketamine. I'm so desperate. I'm thinking TMS. I've tried so many meds. I know my husband doesn't think I'm doing enough, but everyday chores seem almost impossible. Forcing myself after a nap.... in bed again. Ugh
@Speckles I completely understand. My family support is low.
@llacerda Sorry... it's so hard. People don't understand it. They are like... take a walk, do this, keep busy. It unfortunately doesn't work that way. I feel I'm really going to lose it!!
@llacerda I’m sorry. Does your family not understand? I’m fortunate to have parents that are supportive, but I feel guilt bc it wears on them.
@Everythingzen They understand ocd but not depression but want to cut me off of all reassurance
@Speckles I try to get up and do some stuff but it’s not enough for my family.
@llacerda Create a safe space for yourself to process things and if it’s not enough for your family then idk what to say maybe they should research ocd a bit more to better educate themselves on this messed up disease that I wouldn’t wish upon my worse enemy. If they won’t then realize that they are close minded and you are doing your very best and that has to be sufficient.
@llacerda I said I would do 3 things today and still didn't do them. Well, one that was wash. But that's all I did! I feel so guilty. Can you tell your family you'll do some, but can't promise it all right now?
@Speckles I typically do more than three things and they still think I’m not trying hard enough.
@llacerda Ugh.... you are doing what you can. Maybe give them info on how debilitating this can be
Just one set of treatments
Hey, I totally get how you're feeling. It sounds super tough, and you're not alone in this. 🤗 I'm not an OCD expert, especially with this theme, but I can share some resources that have been helpful for me, if that's cool with you. Have you checked out the OCD stories podcast? It's been a real eye-opener for me, hearing other people's journeys and tips. Also, my NOCD therapist recommended "unstuck OCD therapy tools" - it's this new app that gives you AI-personalized guidance and exercises right when you need them. It's been a game-changer for me, maybe it could help you out too!
I’ve been feeling really really depressed the past few days due to health concerns. I’ve been really feeling down like not wanting to be here anymore and it’s scaring me. I was in the doctor’s office this morning and I got a scary thought that said maybe I should just k*ll someone in here instead of k*lling myself. Then the thoughts continued… this man walked past and I thought “hurt him” I obviously wouldn’t want to hurt anyone let alone a bug on the sidewalk, but the thoughts began to overtake me and I had a panic attack. It’s still bothering me and I’m still scared it’s real and that I’m going crazy. This happens to me a lot after I watch a documentary about someone who hurt someone else. I begin to think I am somehow going to go crazy like the person in the documentary and hurt someone. Although I don’t want to .. I would never ever want to hurt anyone.
I can’t tell what’s right and wrong anymore. It’s like my moral compass/rationality is completely broken. I could just shut my feelings down whenever. It might sound like a good thing but it also means I wouldn’t feel any remorse or guilt or negative emotions if I were to do something immoral (hypothetically speaking). In contrast, sometimes my feelings get so deep in the way that my rationality cannot win no matter what. My brain does that out of nowhere and I hate it because it ends up triggering my OCD theme and I have to start back up to be able to cope again. It’s like I’ve developed this intense intolerance towards any sort of stress whatsoever, even the good type of stress that helps you grow. My brain just shuts down and mentally I become a kid again and I can’t listen to logic no matter what.
I have a lot of thoughts about the universe, and they’re overwhelming—like being caught in a rip current, except it’s all inside my head. Most of the time, they’re about how small we are, how there really isn’t a “we” because our bodies aren’t truly ours—we’re just bacteria, cells, and microbes. The thoughts spiral, deeper and deeper, smaller and smaller, coiling until suddenly, I’m pulled under, drowning in a whirlpool. I’ve never felt like this before, and I’m convinced I’ve been faking it somehow. For the past few weeks, my OCD has been worse than it’s ever been in my 20 years of life. Or maybe I’m just more aware of it now. Has anyone else had their OCD suddenly get really bad? Does it ever end—if it even can? I’ve convinced myself that my intrusive thoughts aren’t actually intrusive, that my OCD is a choice, and that everything I do is intentional. As for compulsions, I don’t have the typical “If I don’t do ____ then ____ will happen” kind of thoughts. Instead, my brain simply commands, “Do ____,” and I always give in. It’s so loud in my head, and I can’t shake the feeling that I’m an imposter. Like I don’t belong here—like my presence on this app is an intrusion, invalidating everyone else’s struggles just by downloading it and daring to post. If anyone feels that way, if you think I’m intruding, I’m sorry. I only came here because I have no one to share my diagnosis with. Pouring my thoughts out, hoping someone might understand, feels less suffocating than journaling. Journaling is like letting a wound fester—each word burying the thoughts deeper, leaving them to decay in silence, for nobody to ever read but myself.
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