- Username
- takingmylifeback
- Date posted
- 44w ago
I feel like now I’m just completely in denial and the next step is acceptance. I love my boyfriend will all of my heart and I really don’t want to leave him but now I’m scared I have to. I also just read something someone left on someone else’s post saying how exploring your sexuality is something you should not be ashamed of and should try. That just completely sent me over the edge. The thing is I want to like boys but I feel like at this point it’s not my choice I was just born to be a lesbian and I have to accept that even though it’s not what I want. I feel like this is something my relationship can never recover from and now I just have to break up with my boyfriend and move away to be with a woman. I don’t want to hurt him ever and that’s truly my biggest fear. Every time I feel happy with him there’s always the thought in the back of my head that I would be happy doing the same things with a girl and it truly ruins the moment. I can’t get this out of my head and I would really appreciate some advice. I just want to know I like boys too so I can stay with him forever but I know I am never going to find the reassurance I need so I feel like I’m never gonna get over this bc it’s just the truth. This is so painful I don’t know what to do at this point