- Username
- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 44w ago
Tired of hurting myself
Mentally AND physically. Ever since I got a cut on my nipple last May (because of bad bras and work), I have been obsessed with the idea that I might have breast cancer. I am obsessively doing breast exams and squeezing my skin to feel lumps. The other night, I squeezed so hard that it actually formed a bruise! Thanks to Icy Hot and Tylenol, the bruise is fading quickly, but I'm tired of causing myself pain because of these thoughts. Outside of me doing it to myself, the only pain I feel is from a ridiculously tight bra (I NEED to get a new one...) and the normal wear and tear from having a physically demanding job. I'm just. so tired. I want to exist without obsessively fearing over this. Before this, it was teeth. I have one that sticks out, and I was CONVINCED that it would just fall out. Maybe getting all of this out will help me...