- Username
- Anonymous243
- Date posted
- 42w ago
S*x and rocd
My partner and I have not been having much s*x lately, and when it seems like something is about to happen I start to feel uncomfortable and nervous instead of excited. Is this normal?
My partner and I have not been having much s*x lately, and when it seems like something is about to happen I start to feel uncomfortable and nervous instead of excited. Is this normal?
When your mind is constantly ruminating it’s very hard to get in touch to intimacy feelings, I’ve been through this and it does get better ! Try to force yourself to feel in the moment even just for a few seconds, it’ll make you feel better in the end
@ocdsufferer101 Thank you for the advice ❤️❤️ I’ll try this next time
I tend to get intrusive thoughts during intimacy I just let them pass even though I do feel bad but I know deep down inside they mean nothing and not true.
@Rissa94 Thank you for the advice. I’m sorry to hear you deal with this too ❤️
this has been happening to me too. i’m scared to do anything because what if i have an intrusive thought when it happens? and i also deal with confession ocd so then i will have to tell him and then it would just ruin the whole moment. i don’t want to damage our relationship by always avoiding it but it’s also a terrible feeling to feel nervous now with someone i’ve been with for so so long just because of my OCD thoughts.
@Anonymous I feel the same exact way! It feels like rocd is completely ruining my relationship. You arent alone. I hope things get better ❤️
Has anyone’s OCD effect their sex life at all? I have SO OCD and it really have effected the intimacy with my bf because I get in my head to much. I think I need to work on that the most :(
⚠️ TW sexual themes ⚠️ I have OCD regarding sexual themes. I struggle with real event/false memory OCD, and I used to struggle with different sexual sins before me and my boyfriend were together. My OCD tells me that if we get married, and we consummate our marriage, that it’ll be sex under false pretenses if I don’t confess everything I’ve ever thought/done in regards to my past. It makes me feel like when we do end up exploring the sexual aspect of our relationship, that it’ll be SA unless he knows everything. OCD is ridiculous. Can anyone relate to this? The thought of hurting him in that way actually makes me sick to my stomach and makes me shake.
I noticed I’ve been posting a lot these past few weeks. I just hate my brain and been having a lot of ocd I’m very picky who I’m intimate with. I also have a strong fear of stds/hiv very heavily. I am afraid of lots of things but I can’t live in fear so I decided to engage in intimacy last night. (TMI) I thought the condom popped, but when he showed me it was closed and sealed but my ocd brain is thinking some of it ripped. Now I know that you have to expose yourself to situations that threaten you. I also noticed that I beat myself up heavy when I do an exposure and im still paranoid and then become grateful I’m so tired of my brain and not being able to enjoy anything sometimes: I sometimes feel like leaving this earth.
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