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- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Quick Question
Does going about your day while having intrusive thoughts and urges/sensations count as a exposure?
Does going about your day while having intrusive thoughts and urges/sensations count as a exposure?
It counts as response prevention! The intrusive thoughts are kind of in place of an intentional exposure. You're already feeling the discomfort that doing an exposure is meant to bring up... if that makes sense. What matters is how you manage your response when you experience anxiety or discomfort... whether you intentionally do an exposure, one comes up in your regular day, or you're having intrusive thoughts, it is how you respond that helps you get better. Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm communicating that clearly...
Yes, I’d say so. Me also having Pure O, I’ve been told you’re pretty much always in exposure because we don’t usually have any outward symptoms besides googling or reassurance and we’re worried about our thoughts. How you react to the thoughts is our ERP work. Reacting with a disregarding mindset. “Eh, maybe that will happen, maybe it won’t” “i don’t need to worry about that” and do it with all thoughts/sensations.
It’s response prevention. Sometimes these thoughts are more scary than if we actually did an exposure in purpose. At least, that has been my experience
It’s response prevention but it’s how you get better and keep up the recovery process. I do this every single day.
I'm not sure if it's an exposure, but it sure sounds like a good thing to do. Going about your day and not letting intrusive thoughts stop you, make you ruminate or do other safety behaviors is how you will get your life back.I think there are two kinds of exposures - planned and those that occur as you're living your life (in vivo?) I think its called.
I've been avoiding doing my usual routine due to a new set of intrusive thoughts that appeared alongside intrusive urges/sensations, and it's been leading me to feel quite down and I mean down, down, it doesn't feel like I'm going to get better or that it's too late for me. My OCD is linked to my online friends and it's a battle everyday
It sounds impossible! Congratulations for tuning things out.
Just a quick question for anyone on here today. Does anyone else's OCD get more prominent when they're mad?? Not necessarily "mad" but just frustrated. For example, I'll be having an argument with my girl and the intrusive thoughts just seem to arise way more frequent and severe i guess is a word i can use for it. They just pester me a lot more when I'm frustrated rather than just sitting around playing a video game or something. Appreciate y'all wit the feedback. Have a good one.
I was wondering if this is a thing. Like, say, especially if you are in the process of getting better. Doesn't doing ERP every day keep reminding you of your obsessions? Is there a point where you should do it less often? Or how does this work?
I don't expect anyone to give my a full article of answers, but does anyone else experience more intensity of their OCD/intrusive thoughts during road trips/vacations?? I remember even long before being diagnosed I would be obviously excited for a vacation but at the same time so nervous for the vacations because i knew that my intrusive thoughts got so much worse and felt more "real" i guess in a sense during them. It's the weirdest thing. Maybe it's the long drives or just the stress of being in an unfamiliar place?? Appreciate y'all. Have a good one.
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