- Date posted
- 1y ago
Harm OCD, and acting out thoughts while sleepwalki
With Harm OCD, is it possible to obsess over a thought so much, that the brain acts it out subconsciously via sleepwalking?
With Harm OCD, is it possible to obsess over a thought so much, that the brain acts it out subconsciously via sleepwalking?
Impossible and I have to say I have harm OCD too and my mind has gone there also. It’s so mind blowing to know that others are having the same fears or worries as me. OCD really does make you believe the wildest things. Don’t believe the lies. ❤️🩹
I'm stuck in an obsessive loop of fear that my harm ocd will translate into me acting it out subconsciously, via sleepwalking, because I can't get my mind to stop obsessing about it. I can't afford therapy, I don't know what to do, or if that sort of thing is possible, and if it is how likely is it to happen, especially if I'm not apt to sleepwalking, and the most drugs I do is a blood pressure pill? I don't drink or do drugs, I won't even take a sleeping pill. There's only been a handful of times I've ever slept walk in my life in the past, and only once was when I wasn't under the influence of anything, I'm 35 now.
You've had this exact same fear? How did you get past it? At the moment I'm terrified for my wife, and I don't know what to do with this.
I have had this and also the fear I did something while blacked out drunk. 😔
How did you get past this fear? I'm stuck in a loop to where I'm too anxious to even fall asleep next to my wife.
@Dharma77 I am still stuck with it. I have three false memories I deal with from when I was too drunk to remember 😔. In your case, I would use this as an exposure.
@Catlove9 I'm sorry you're going through with this I'm all too familiar with the level of fear it can bring, I wish I knew a way to help you, but I don't even know what to do with mine.
@Catlove9 I’ve had a false memory before the guilt or shame that comes with it is tough to say the least. Saying maybe maybe not and accepting that sure maybe it did happen that day but who knows helped me. You can’t changed the past anyway you can only change what you do today from this point forward. Don’t beat yourself up for who you possibly were. Doesn’t matter what it was. Allow yourself to be human. We all make mistakes. ❤️🩹
@Dharma77 We will get through this!
@ Skyline 🕊️ Thank you! This is helpful!
@Dharma77 Mine is fear for my husband. It’s gotten better. And honestly idk what has helped but I think it has to do with mindset. I’m doing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and I’ve seen massive improvement. Just strictly doing ERP didn’t help. Try to recognize that OCD is OCD and it’s separate from who you actually are. You weren’t always this way and it’s impossible to just simply one day snap and become this murderous person regardless of what your OCD is trying to convince you. Whenever I get stuck or have thoughts my therapist told me to list 5 things about myself or things value. You can also try saying “this experience isn’t an all of me.” Also eventually your body will learn that this just simply isn’t going to happen each waking day is a reminder of that and yesterday isn’t different from today. Hang in there happy to help in anyway I can.
I had this fear and it consumed me. I avoided sleeping (especially at night) bc I was so scared I was going to do something in my sleep and not know. Practicing mindfulness really helped me get through it. I had to accept the fact that it’s not possible to get a definitive answer to my questions, but I also knew that possibility ≠ probability. It’s a difficult process that takes time to work through, but you can get there. If therapy isn’t an option right now, I’d definitely recommend checking out Nathan Peterson’s course for managing OCD: https://www.ocd-anxiety.com/ And Jenna Overbaugh’s: https://jennaoverbaugh.easywebinar.live/event-registration
I have accepted that it is possible, but now I'm wondering how likely is it that a thing like that would happen? I'm not a violent person at all, I suffer from severe anxiety, harm ocd, and high functioning autism, and try to avoid confrontation. I have no desire to harm anyone, much less my wife. Of course she's the only one vulnerable to my fear, because she's the one I sleep next to. I'm not commonly known to sleep walk, there's only been a handful of times I was known to have done so, and all but one I was under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Now, I don't drink or do any drugs at all except my blood pressure meds in the morning with coffee, I won't even take a sleeping pill or melatonin. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of me waking up in horror to my worst fears, via sleepwalking, because I can't get my mind to stop obsessing about it? I have anxiety even falling asleep next to my wife.
I appreciate the recommendation, and if her courses weren't almost two thousand dollars, I would take you up on it. Sadly, I can't afford even 1 session with a therapist, much less a two thousand dollar course.
I was having a really good day at work and then all of a sudden, I realize that my harm OCD wasn’t there and then that reminded my brain to think about all these horrible things. I’ve been having really bad intrusive thoughts about wanting to hurt people or the fear of doing these things and I caught myself ruminating on things like oh well did this movie make me feel uncomfortable so I can reassure myself that I don’t wanna do these things and it’s just that fear like that I’m gonna wanna do it and it’s not even people that I’m close to. It’s literally anyone it could be like a random stranger thing about these things cause I know that’s a compulsion. So I thought I would put a message out to see if anyone could relate or has any advice.
So my harm ocd is really bad. I have a mix between hit and run ocd and being hyperaware of everything so I don’t hurt anyone or so they don’t accuse me of something. I can’t even enjoy vacation anymore. As of recently, my harm ocd is related to using the public bathroom. Everytime I leave an area or pass someone, I usually look behind me to make sure all is ok. Same with driving. Well lately when I use the public bathroom, I get anxious if another person doesn’t come out after me (they’re in another stall) and I can’t check that they are ok. I know this sounds really irrational but I wonder if it’s because with everything else, I can check but with this situation it doesn’t feel complete because I can’t really check unless I wait til they’re done and come out. Also if I don’t check, my thoughts have been running wild, like what if they were hurt in there and I just walked out? Etc. I also get scared like what if I hurt someone and didn’t realize it? I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so tired and upset over this, can anyone relate or offer any advice?
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