- Date posted
- 1y ago
im scared
im scared again that it’s not ocd and i actually think like this. i can’t get out of bed
im scared again that it’s not ocd and i actually think like this. i can’t get out of bed
I’m sorry you’re feeling that today, my therapist had recommended the podcast OCD stories by Stuart Ralph, it’s really a great resource when you are feeling overwhelmed. Check it out and it will help 🫶🏼
@Littlemisshiss where can you listen?
@r0s1e I listen on Spotify but any platform you listen to music on or I’m sure on YouTube as well.
I’m so sorry I remember laying in bed doing rituals over and over again it was terrible
I totally feel this today 🤍 you’re not alone
I couldn't go to work today so ive been working and sleeping in my bed all day. I so feel you. Tomorrow I will get out of bed and go to work and have a better day. Sometimes just getting out of bed helps.
@Ryan Mullen thank you:(
@r0s1e I am 43 and have been dealing with this since I was 16. Most days and years Im fine. I have never been to therapy until 2 months ago. I would suggest getting control now. Even if you dont you can still live a happy life. I have but it can be better.
@Ryan Mullen thank you so much🫶🏼
Feeling the same way. It feels so real:/
@Anon:> I hope you feel better, it helps when you do self care
@Anon:> i hope you do too:(
same. I hate when my brain does this. because I KNOW that it’s ocd but it gets so meta and I start losing my shit obsessing over the thought of me using ocd as an excuse of being a bad person or just making it up
Everything feels so real. I think learning about non-offending pedophiles has really screwed with me. I feel like I’m not even doing compulsions anymore like I genuinely cannot remember if I do them or not and the groinal responses are messing with me. I keep having intrusive dreams and I’m in that half asleep state and I feel nothing after that or I feel weird like a good weird, I don’t know. It’s a really weird feeling when I get those thoughts but I don’t like them, I don’t think. All I know is, I keep seeking reassurance and I feel like I don’t have OCD because the way I feel, like the way I get worked up isn’t the same as others. Whenever I try to watch a show, like 9-1-1 or daily dose of sunshine, I feel like I’m watching something I shouldn’t be. Or if I’m just on my phone, I feel like something is going to happen. I feel red flags whenever I’m on my phone, like somehow cp will appear. I know that OCD is the doubting disorder but my god, this is just crazy. I feel like I’m going crazy. Everything is just nonstop, it’s so constant and I’m genuinely scared that I’ll do something when I get out of my room. I don’t know anymore, this whole OCD thing is just making me lose my mind.
im not diagnosed, but these past two days have been terrible. i constantly have this underlying feeling that i might do something that i think is gross and i feel like i can’t do anything on my own because otherwise i might do something wrong. like i feel like i constantly have to be in front of people so that i can make sure of my every action. this is so exhausting and I’m so confused. and like i keep getting terrible images and stuff replaying in my head. i also try to recall what happened but i feel like i have false event too. i used to have religious ocd and that eventually stopped completely, but now it feels like all my work getting over that was pointless. also like i feel like i might have contamination ocd but not the typical germ type. I just get terrible images and I can’t remember if those images are true or not even though they’re impossible and i feel terrible. I don’t know if i could ever get over this because even the thought of it is terrible.
I keep waking up, overwhelmed with anxiety and I feel like an awful person and I don’t know why…? But I feel like it’s because of POCD, I genuinely feel like a bad person because of all of my false attraction experiences, I feel like it’s my fault, I feel like an awful person and I’m spiraling, it’s so hard to look at myself in the mirror, i can’t bare it, I just feel so awful about myself and I don’t know what to do anymore. I genuinely can’t do this anymore.
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