- Date posted
- 48w ago
im about to give up. im struggling and nothing helps.i dont wanna be here anymore with these thoughts and fears.
im about to give up. im struggling and nothing helps.i dont wanna be here anymore with these thoughts and fears.
I felt the same way today. OCD sucks, and I probably sound repetitive, but it will get better. It probably won’t be soon, but it will one day. One day, you’ll be able to look back at this and laugh. I hope you feel better soon and you have a good day/night.
@AnonMoon thank you🩷 i hope you have a good day/night aswell . im sorry for venting , I don’t have anyone else to talk about this stuff with haha
Don’t give up
@jnaugle Thank you 🫶🏻
@Ariyah Your welcome
Don’t give up I felt this way before and you know what I got over it went almost two years with no issues recently started back up but you learn to get rid of it fairly quickly after your first one you got this babe!
@You got this:) Thank you 🫶🏻
Hi my name is Ann I'm going through this rn any advice?
Hi guys! I have had a really rough couple of days. I got really triggered and it has stuck around for a few more days than usual now. I have this overwhelming feeling of giving up and i even feel relief from it at times which is scary, but it goes COMPLETELY against my value system and i dont think i would ever end my life because it means way too much to me. my compulsions have been trying to convince myself of reasons why life is beautiful but i have been so overwhelmed by thoughts that i cant do this. i really dont want to die!! so why is my brain filling with these thoughts to just give up? Anything helps <3 I have therapy tomorrow thank GOODNESS
how do i snap my self out of a suicidal ocd episode? it’s constant thoughrs i feel scared and hopeless. i just want to be better, any suggestions help
Trying to ignore my thoughts but it feels like they are only coming at me more now😭 im just at a loss i dont know what to do
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