- Username
- minfoy
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Have you read up on magical thinking yet?
Yes but I didn’t know if that fit underneath it!
@minfoy That's is almost most definitely magical thinking. I know exaclty how you feel. There's some great reads on it tho.
Oh yeah this magical thinking stuff totally gets to me. Like it makes me even doubt my religion sometimes, because if my brain can convince me that something crazy like a commercial on the television was a “sign from god” telling me what’s wrong with me, is it convincing me of my faith in god too?? Super meta, but I’ve gone that road too
I'm know EXACTLY how you guys feel. Like everything is a sign and your sign triggers seem to follow you around right? Which makes them even harder to disregard.
My mum (who also has OCD) has these coincidences happening to her all the time. She thinks that our brain is so alert we are searching for everything potentially dangerous so therefore are more likely to notice coincidences. Its scary though I get you! Its something else for the OCD to focus on
It’s so weird, I see them in everything sometimes
Yes yes yes I’m so worried about my relationship and all that pops up are articles about toxic relationships and quotes about doing what you need to do to be happy and I hate it. I think way too into it :(
Yes this is exactly what I mean! I feel like I was the only one.
You are not alone, but please don't use any of this as reassurance. Because I know it's easy to. Use this as fuel to help you disregard that uneasiness you get when you feel like your signs are following you. I'm not sure what kind of compulsions you have but mine tell me to avoid doing things I want because of those triggers so I try to remind myself what it is that's going on in my mind and do what I need to anyway. So much easier said than done though.
No you are completely right, I was just wondering if anyone else had similar thoughts. I do try to just let them be and realise my brain is tricking me into it, but you know how it goes!
Yes I do and it's taken alot of my time and energy already. Feeling like you're being followed by all of your triggers whether it be a commercial, social media, a conversation, or an advertisement. I'm working to remember that the key is not engaging with the feeling AND the thought. Then you must disregard the whole thing entirely. This article may help. https://www.gatewayocd.com/magical-thinking-ocd-symptoms-and-treatment/
When I get a new theme the previous theme completely disappears/seems unimportant until there is a trigger for it. Is circling themes a very obvious sign its ocd? If it’s something actually serious in the relationship wouldn’t I get a worse feeling than just “omg this is bad I need to ruminate and search and seek reassurance” There is always one theme in control and my main focus until a new/ returning theme takes its place and the other theme is shoved away in the back of my mind like nothing until it circles around again. Even if the theme I’m currently having seems like an actual problem/super serious a different trigger/theme can occur and the “serious” theme that i was panicking over thinking “is my bf a bad person” can be wiped away and replaced with another theme. Is the constant thinking something is super serious but then it can easily be replaced with another worry a big sign it’s ocd?
there’s so much happening. i’m so scared God is sending me signs. First, my mom said she felt so bad when she hit my old friends face with a charger one time and her name is faith, and then, I got on my instagram and the first person on there with a post is that same friend, faith. I was like, okay that’s weird. I kinda had a panic attack about it, then I came out to my living room, and the tv mentioned someone named faith, and then a song played that sung about a sign. I correlate everything back to being scared that God wants me to break up with my boyfriend. Idk i have really bad rocd, and i’m terrified God is sending me a sign to do that, how do I know He’s not when signs like this happen? Please help.
I think this is magical thinking but I’m not 100% sure. I get really scared and think all of my loved ones will die in a car accident. Especially if they’re running an errand for me or coming to visit me then it’s like 100% more likely for them to get in a car wreck because it was FOR ME. Or if I’m with my family members and one wants to drive to get food, etc I feel like I HAVE to go WITH them in order to prevent a car crash from happening and them dying. Like if I stay home then I’m ensuring their death? Does this make sense? Anyone else relate? What on earth is it?! It’s constant and automatic and everyday.
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