- Username
- js94
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Sounds like an avoidance compulsion.
For me it is tbh. But it sort of worked out well in a way because I really was so dependent on porn before.
@MJocd A break from porn can be good for mental health if it's a habit which is making you feel icky or dependent. It's more no-fap which seems to clearly be a compulsion.
@Scoggy I stopped watching porn due to avoidance, I had a (irrational) fear of coming across something innapropate/illegal. I stopped going on any adult website, the good part was I unintentionally did nofap which I wanted to do for so long as I felt dependent on porn, but the bad part is that it fed my OCD monster. I am much better now, I read erotica now as ERP to get comfortable and put irrational fears to bed but they still pop up sometimes when I'm reading stuff aswell. Moral OCD is a bit of a bitch :/
I can understand if you choose to not look at porn, because the porn industry is socially problematic in a lot of ways. But please, reconsider doing NoFap. Masturbation is a completely healthy and normal thing to be engaging in, as much as you want. This seems more like avoidance of sexuality which is bad for both your OCD (if your themes are sexual) and your feelings of sexual shame. Don't buy into the hype around NoFap. You're a human being entitled to being sexual in private. Not masturbating will not solve anything. If it does, it will only be temporary. I say this as someone who believes all of that stuff years ago.
I agree with this. I do think there is too much of a hype around it. However, in my honest opinion, Porn can be unethical, so stopping the fueling of the porn industry is okay but not mastrubating for extended periods of times is a bit unnecessary imo. Stopping porn is good in my opinion, you start forming more natural, healthier views of sex. Especially if you've been introduced to porn at a younger stage (like most of us are in this generation), you can get used to seeing rougher, fake porn which changes our idea of natural intimacy.
@MJocd Couldn't agree more!
@NickC Yh I get your points, porn the problem not the masterbation
@MJocd Completely agree.. Its an avoidance thing which fuels ocd
@MJocd Im trying no flap and I'm really nervous. I really want to masturbate but I know it's bad for myself, it has been 3 days since I don't watch porn and I really need some help so I can get distracted from it
@anxiousocder That depends on the person, if your doing nofap to avoid porn then that is avoidance but if your doing it to decrease anxiety Then try it, I’m over a week and it’s really helped, don’t Liston to anyone opinion on nofap because it really depends dw kn the person
Yh might as well try and see if it works for yourself
I mean I sort of did no fap, like i stopped visual porn completely and it changed my life in a good way. I feel better spiritually, I feel more clarity, I even lost 30 lbs. I wasn't mastrubating much either, I didnt feel a need too. I wasnt dependent on the feeling. But lately I've been mastrubating more and I also do read erotica, but sometimes my OCD attaches to things authors write in their stories and I'm like "that's abit of a weird thing to say, is that inappropriate? " and then I hyperfocus on it and ruminate over it. But all in all my life changed for the better when I stopped going on pornsites (which I did literally every night at one point).
I got to 3 weeks of no fap and you do feel more confident but it gets so hard. Suppose to last 90 for full reboot
@10lewis10 I mean I'm a girl, but I used to watch porn daily for years, I had a dependency on it. But I've been 2 years porn free :) I'll never watch it again tbh but my moral OCD stops me aswell.
For me it’s not avoidance because I feel like porn is half the problem. It’s make you insecure and instead of going out and meet people you rather stay home and wank to porn which afterwards depresses me and gets more wrong and dirty porn is fake
I was exposed to pornography at a young age and it messed me up pretty badly. I don't even know how it really happened, I just do happened to find it one day. I didn't realize all of the damage it was doing to me and my life until I became an adult. It's still bothering me a lot and there were still moments where I couldn't stop my behaviors even if I wanted to. I've hurt myself because of my sex addiction and I've been trying to stop doing this to myself for a long time now. There are some harm related issues the I still see and remember and it makes me really upset. I just ended up tearing up because I just wish this didn't have to happen. I just wish I didn't get so hooked on this. I just wish someone could have told me what I was getting into at that age. I'm always anxious, worried about my health, and concerned about my addiction and if it will ever go away. I just want to go back to a time where I didn't have to worry about this along with OCD. This is why I feel like my adult life isn't going too well: It's always because of these problems that I've been dealing with for years. Recently, I've been able to stop because I didn't want my sleep and anxiety to be affected, but they still bother me in the form of thoughts and mess me up. I just regret so many things that I can remember. The things I've watched, the things I've done to myself, the things I've done to other people. I try to tell myself that I should just be kind to myself and do my best to move past this. It can work but there are days like this where I just can't shake the pain. I just know now that I didn't deserve that and that I deserved better. Same goes for everyone that goes through this too. I just long for how things used to be because I'm not exactly happy with how things are now. I want to just accept that I didn't know better and I was curious and did my best to just get through the times, but there are days where I just can't. I guess it's because all of this stuff still exists in my life today. I just want to find a way to beat it. I envision the life I want for myself and it's not this. It's not holding myself back to this addiction and it's definitely not treating myself in a way that says I don't deserve that. I guess what hurts me so much about this is that I never thought I would have this kind of problem in my life. I thought I was understanding to not be so caught up in problematic fields like this. Pornography, relationships, and sex overall was never something I was really talked to about. It just seemed like stuff I figured out the best I could at the time. I don't think I really have relationships figured out still because I just don't have experience with it all.
Trying to ignore my thoughts but it feels like they are only coming at me more now😭 im just at a loss i dont know what to do
Been doing amazing the last few days…then today boom…my ocd tried to pick a theme ..it will pass though…so I’m just gonna ride it out ..
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