- Date posted
- 1y ago
I see many people here talking about porn like it's a drug. They are likely saying they are clean from it or something like that. Is porn a bad thing? And if yes, why?
I see many people here talking about porn like it's a drug. They are likely saying they are clean from it or something like that. Is porn a bad thing? And if yes, why?
Everyone will have a different perspective on porn. Personally, it was damaging to me. It is addictive (and some drugs are more addictive than others). Porn has been even more addictive than the drugs I used to take. Sex is a natural part of being human. But porn takes it and corrupts it, makes those involved in it objects, and we, the viewers are getting an experience that skews our experience of sex. Plus, nowadays, porn is available to those who are quite young. I started avidly viewing it as a kid, like 9 years old. Not only that, the kinds of things that get sexualized today are quite extensive. It’s *unhealthy.*
@graydust Porn devalues sex and people and makes them cheap.
My advice is to stay away from the weird porn.
It can be if you don’t limit it.
Porn isn’t bad, drugs aren’t bad, what’s bad is addiction, obsession, and loss of control
It’s all about your own personal relationship with it…you gotta do some soul searching
Watching porn is not a bad thing! it is a natural human thing to do. However, it can be potentially become a bad thing once someone starts becoming addicted or obsessed with watching it. Watching porn causes your brain to produce dopamine, which causes feelings of satisfaction and pleasure. Neurodivergent/mentally ill people are more prone to developing addictions due to chemical imbalances involving dopamine, serotonin, and other hormones. Therefore porn addiction is not uncommon amongst mentally ill folks. Also many people don't realize they have a porn addiction because they think of addiction as something that happens only with drug abuse.
Also for people with sexual orientation ocd, watching porn that correlates with their sexuality may be a compulsion to prove that their intrusive thoughts are wrong. Compulsions in themselves can feel addictive at times 😭
For some people, porn is so addictive that it becomes like an intrusive thought. You think of people unintentionally in sexual ways because of the way it wires your brain. It is so easily accessible that it tricks you in a way to look at people’s bodies and movements. Very surface level thinking. I’ve noticed when I completely detox myself of porn that I have a healthier perception of people around me and am a lot less judgemental. I also have wayyyy less sexual OCD
I don't think pork is for everyone. I don't like watching it for many reasons. Plus it'll probably create intrusive thoughts for me. But if people want to watch it that's their own personal reasons. I just feel grossed out by it and like I said I don't need anymore intrusive thoughts floating around in my brain. I'm dealing with enough
People get addicted to it
The take on porn being bad is more of a personal subjective thing in my opinion. In my opinion and from experience, I think it does more harm than good but others may argue that it serves a purpose. I think it can be very addictive like a drug and have a hold on people who struggle with getting away with it, like I have in the past for many years. Porn can greatly affect people and they don't like it, and that's okay. Porn also doesn't bother other people that much and they seem content with it, and that's fine.
Okay, so I was exposed to porn at 9. My older cousin came over to the house and asked if I could keep a secret and stuff and then he showed me porn. I got addicted to it ngl. I would watch it whenever I could and would always think about it when I wasn’t home. Because of this, I started reading mangas on this one website and I was still in elementary school when I started reading these I think, either that or middle school. Anyways, there was this one about these kids who did it and I was like oh I’m the same age as them and all that you know so I didn’t think much of it. I would still read it up to when I was in high school but I wouldn’t like read it often, I would just read it because I was familiar with it and it felt like I was still their age for some reason, like I didn’t see them as kids you know, it felt like they were my age. Oh my god, that makes it sound even worse. When my POCD started, I stopped reading that story because I was it terrified me so a little before I turned 18. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I’m actually a pedophile or not. I don’t know if it’s because I was exposed to that stuff so early and my cousin would constantly talk about sex when he was with me. I thought it was so normal to be reading and looking at that stuff. I didn’t realize. I’m scared that my nephews are going to be exposed to that so early like I was. My POCD mostly targets my nephews and now I’m scared that I’ll do the same thing to them and show them that stuff (I never will) or that I genuinely do like that stuff. I feel like throwing up while writing this. I just don’t want to be one. I’m sorry if this triggers you or if this seems like I’m seeking reassurance and maybe I am. I genuinely don’t know right now. I think I just needed to get this off my chest because I’ve been worrying about it for awhile.
Hi everyone, Lately, I’ve been feeling confused and anxious about my sexuality, which has been challenging to navigate. I’ve always identified as straight and am currently in a happy relationship with my boyfriend. However, I’ve recently started questioning if I might have some attraction to women, which has caused me a lot of anxiety. To be clear, I’ve never experienced romantic or physical attraction toward women in real life, but I have watched lesbian porn in the past. Now, I can’t help but worry that this might mean I’m attracted to women after all. On top of this, I’ve noticed a decrease in my sexual desire for my boyfriend, which only intensifies my concerns about both my sexual orientation and my relationship. This confusion is something I’ve never dealt with before, and it’s starting to take an emotional toll. If anyone has experienced something similar, I would really appreciate any advice or insights on how you worked through it. What helped you find clarity? Someone mentioned that my anxiety might be OCD-related, though I’m not familiar with OCD in this context. I’d love to hear from anyone with experience in navigating these kinds of thoughts or anxiety. I’m open to any personal stories, resources, or guidance on how to approach this situation, both for myself and in communication with my partner. I want to better understand what I’m feeling without being overwhelmed by fear. Thank you in advance for your support!
Sorry if this is a bit of an odd post, but I’m wondering if there are any girls out there that have specifically struggled with shame around watching porn? A lot of my real-event ocd stems from watching that kind of content in the past, and for some reason it feels particularly taboo as a woman. As a young teen, I saw some genuinely disturbing things, and I think a lot of that was to do with having unrestricted access to the internet. However, despite lots of people telling me “that’s normal teen curiosity” it just never feels like it applies to me, and that I’m genuinely just a sexual deviant. I think because that kind of content is so graphic and overstimulating it’s really stuck in my brain, and I just wish I could turn back the clock and switch off the computer. I’ve recently been struggling with doing typical ‘girly’ stuff because I feel tainted and gross, and I just want to get back to feeling myself again.
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