- Date posted
- 1y ago
I hate this I feel so sad and I’m not having a good day
I hate this I feel so sad and I’m not having a good day
I’m sorry friend. I know this day can be difficult for some
I feel that
I’m really sorry, friend. I hope your day surprises you by the end. If not, you have people here thinking of you still.
Aww Brynnie! Hugs 🫂 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
❤️We are all connected. We all share in these feelings, and maybe in an hour or so you will have a different perspective. We are ever changing, and there really isn’t good and bad. Try not to label this day, that is limiting yourself and the possibilities of this day. “I’m temporarily feeling sad.” That is true. It’s ok. To “hate” the feeling of sadness is to say it’s not normal or wrong. Allow some sadness, that’s what makes us human and it awakens us to needed change. It’s overwhelming to have OCD. Overwhelming as well for people who don’t have OCD, they have problems too. It is tiresome and uncomfortable yes, but we are ever changing. Let us know how you are doing later on. I understand you though, and curious to hear your perspective once you’ve let yourself be sad. It’s okay.❤️
@AnonymousROCK Thank you I appreciate it 💕❤️😊 T
Thank you everyone 😊
I started feeling better, more calm and relaxed but then I remembered that I’m literally heartbroken and single and I went back to feeling like shit again, all the anxiety came storming back. Why does it have to be this way, I don’t know what to do with my life anymore.
Its been like 3 weeks of school and its just been really difficult and stressful 😭 ive had two tests and i havent gotten them back yet but i have a feeling i didnt do as well as i wanted to on either of them and that scares me because i usually score perfectly and well. And my classmates are so good at everything 😭 and ik this is kinda bad but i hate seeing people do better in things im supposed to be good at… like math is one of my strongest subjects but i messed up on a few questions so bad and i feel so stupid and now im scared that im gonna be like this for the rest of the semester 😞 it scares me. Plus all my classmates talk to me sometimes and all and i be as nice as possible but i still feel invisible- even with friends i just feel like im bothering them and i feel like im just alone and have no one to talk to bc either no one cares or i feel like burden and annoying and unlovable 💀
I’m having a bad episode right now and I’m feeling so depressed and I’m crying like a baby because I’m thinking that if my mom knew the reasons I’m like this she would hate me and what would I ever do without my mom. I’m feeling so alone. I just need my mom but I know I can’t open up to her. Like even if I’m this horrible person my mom would despise me too? I can’t handle that someone please help.
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