- Date posted
- 1y ago
Intrusive crying feelings?
Has anyone experienced like feelings of needing to cry for no reason and it’s like you can almost feel like this intense urge to cry but it’s not even appropriate for the situation?
Has anyone experienced like feelings of needing to cry for no reason and it’s like you can almost feel like this intense urge to cry but it’s not even appropriate for the situation?
@JordTheNord. Thank you for your response. You truly are a help to so many on here. I believe I did just keep everything in and just did what had to be done. I am trying to heal but it's slow as molasses. 😊
@ElevenB Thank you for your kind words. Take your time. The molasses pour is slow but it just makes it better when it finally hits the pancakes 😉. You got this 💪🏻
@JordTheNord Love it!!
Oh and I can’t cry and it causes anxiety bc I can’t.
I've been thinking about you. I struggle with being able to cry too.
@ElevenB Awe thank you for that!! I’ve been doing better. Thankful
Yes omg!! I especially get this way when I feel frustrated and overwhelmed with the thoughts and urges!
@ctc1999 So almost like your overwhelmed and tired and you just want to cry but can’t cry?
@Layla32 Yes!!! That is exactly how I feel!!
@Anonymous Okay so this sounds like ocd or depression? Both? Lol
I’ve not experienced this myself but from all research I’ve done on the subject and experience I believe it happens because of not an outlet of appropriate situations for the crying. It just overflows. Of course multiple factors are involved. I am very sorry to hear you can’t cry. Have you talked to a therapist about that? Also, are you saying you have this intense urges to cry out of nowhere but you can’t cry?
@JordTheNord I have told them in the past. I didn’t mention it this time but it comes up and goes away but it makes me question my sanity of course bc I can only describe it as this crying feeling coming over me and it’s like I just want to cry and cry but it’ll be like in the middle of me doing a bunch of things.
@Layla32 I believe that’s completely valid and justified. You are a very strong persevering woman. You manage OCD on top of all other aspects of life. So of course when something as vulnerable and heavy as a huge cry coming I have to at least assume that feels absolutely overwhelming. Idk if subconsciously you’re holding yourself back from crying (lots of ppl do for various reasons) but i say embrace the wave and let the tears flow if you can. If you can’t no biggie there’s next time. The warrior in you/us needs rest which is why crying is so relieving. It’s just wanting to get out. At the very least it’s sad and possibly despair emotions wanting to break the surface. Maybe you can go somewhere secluded and just scream all your sorrows and worries into the world and let it out. It might not be years but it does seem you’re holding onto so much pain. ELSA THAT SHIT ❄️.
@Layla32. I have done what JordTheNord said. I have took a pillow, went in my bathroom and screamed into it.
@ElevenB How did that work out?
I think it helped with some of the anxiety
@ElevenB Any particular reason why you think it’s a struggle for you to cry?
I have a special needs son I take care of, who is such a blessing but he needs constant supervision. I was a care giver for my mother and mother in 2016. They both passed that year, as well as my brother in law(he and my sister were divorced but we still kept in touch), I then became caregiver to my daddy. I lost an aunt I was close to the next year. Since then I lost 4 cousins all in 40's and 50's. Also the girl my son was with for 3 years, right when he thought they were going to get married she left him. It was like losing a daughter. In October of last year I lost my precious dog Abby. That's one time I cried but crying has been few and far between. In January of this year my dad became bedridden and when he wasn't in hospital or rehab me and my family members had to look after him around the clock. During this time I just felt depleted inside. We had to put him in a nursing home in March. I guess not having anyone else to look after and occupy my time my OCD just exploded. I went into severe depression with anxiety. It's been an up and down ride since then. I am improving but I still don't feel much emotions except sadness and fear.
@ElevenB I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had to endure all of that. All of those ppl are and were blessed to have you in their life. This is of course just a theory but maybe you only feel those emotions a lot because of the environment you have been in for years. You’ve experienced a lot of pain and loss but still showed up and did what needed to be done. So maybe you kind of got numb to it?? Or at the very least you held those emotions in check for so long because you wanted to stay strong and instead of letting the tears flow or even just having a major breakdown you held it back to be there for your loved ones. Also like you said not having anyone to take care of allowed your OCD to occupy your mind but you’re also dealing with lost loved ones. That’s a lot for so many ppl on this planet. You really did an absolute amazing thing for everyone and are a blessing for all these ppl. Thanks for listening. Like I said just theories.
I can’t tell what’s right and wrong anymore. It’s like my moral compass/rationality is completely broken. I could just shut my feelings down whenever. It might sound like a good thing but it also means I wouldn’t feel any remorse or guilt or negative emotions if I were to do something immoral (hypothetically speaking). In contrast, sometimes my feelings get so deep in the way that my rationality cannot win no matter what. My brain does that out of nowhere and I hate it because it ends up triggering my OCD theme and I have to start back up to be able to cope again. It’s like I’ve developed this intense intolerance towards any sort of stress whatsoever, even the good type of stress that helps you grow. My brain just shuts down and mentally I become a kid again and I can’t listen to logic no matter what.
I am so so upset and anxious right now. At this point I badly need reassurance as Im feeling a whole panic attack coming on. Has anyone ever had the feeling in their head and body like they are actually going to act on a terrible harm related intrusive thought like it actually feels like you are. Im scared as fuck i dont know what to do because What if i actually do that i am so scared does it ever feel like your on the edge of doing it and you get this whole intrusive urge in your body PLEASE REPLY please tell me experiences
This may upset some people reading so here is just a warning that these are disturbing I don’t know what to do to make the bad thoughts stop. My mom recently had a baby, my little brother. I wasn’t exactly happy about this pregnancy, but I have nothing against my brother. He’s adorable and silly. Nothing against him. But I feel like these thoughts bug me because what if deep down I do resent him because I didn’t want my mom to have another kid? What if I did act on these things because I hate him? What if I just lose it and do something? It’s all so illogical, I know. Never would I ever want to do that. But there’s times I’m watching him for a few minutes for my mom and my brain just shows me an awful scene of me brutally hurting him or killing him. Or I’ll be holding him and my brain shows me a scene where I purposefully drop him or I just hurt him so badly. I’ll be walking near him and my brain tells me I’m going to stomp on him. It shows me such bad things. I have intrusive thoughts all the time, but this is different because there’s a semi good reason I “could” do it. That being, I wasn’t happy about the pregnancy. And it scares me. I’ve started crying because I was so scared it was going to happen. I have to back up away from him or sit down so there’s no way I can do anything. I feel horrible. I don’t want to hurt him. And I’m so scared I will. But I won’t. I’m hoping this makes sense to others who struggle with this. Because to anyone else who’s never gone through these things I’ll sound insane. And sound like a psychopath. Thanks for reading. Any help would be appreciated.
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