- Date posted
- 47w ago
im still worried that a two year age gap 16 and 18 is bad and that is a warning sign im a “p” or im grooming the person
im still worried that a two year age gap 16 and 18 is bad and that is a warning sign im a “p” or im grooming the person
I had worries like that when I was your age too, i was interested in someone with the same age gap and I felt weird. I think it made me nervous because being 18 I felt like I was an adult now and so it felt like a bigger deal than it is.
@Anonymous is it bad? I don’t want to be a p and If that’s a sign then I would want to know:(
@co140 I don’t think you should worry about it, your both older teens and I don’t think that it’s weird I think your brain is just trying to make you feel like it’s a bigger deal than it is. I think that if it’s making you feel uncomfortable so much that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the relationship then it may not be good for you but only because you may not be able to let yourself be happy not because I think it would be unacceptable
The age gap isn’t necessarily the issue in general, the issue is that 16 is still legally underage and 18 is technically an adult. I think it would be best to avoid dating anyone under 18 no matter the actually number difference for theirs and your safety.
@Forever977 I understand, there’s a Romeo and Juliet law in my state which makes it ok up to 4 years (which I think is too much ) but yea
@Forever977 I disagree I don’t think she should be afraid she’s doing something wrong and her safety is some sort of concern
@Anonymous Speaking to the legality of it, yes it is about both of their safety. Obviously if their state allows it that’s a different story :). I don’t think there is a huge difference in mentality if a 16-18 yr olds. Doesn’t mean it’s wrong, and definitely doesn’t make them a “p”, they are not grooming, so they shouldn’t feel afraid that this means they are at all. Just looking out for both of you.
@Forever977 i understand both of ur points thank u both for commenting it helped a lot
@co140 The fact that you think even 4 is too much shows that you aren’t a “p” and you do care about doing what’s right and you are a good person. True grooming is about a major power difference between someone very young and someone much older and experienced. A two year age difference in late teens can’t include that, so you are fine.
@Forever977 I agree with the legal aspect I just didn’t want her to be afraid that the cops would come for her I think we are on the same page now :)
Okay, so I was exposed to porn at 9. My older cousin came over to the house and asked if I could keep a secret and stuff and then he showed me porn. I got addicted to it ngl. I would watch it whenever I could and would always think about it when I wasn’t home. Because of this, I started reading mangas on this one website and I was still in elementary school when I started reading these I think, either that or middle school. Anyways, there was this one about these kids who did it and I was like oh I’m the same age as them and all that you know so I didn’t think much of it. I would still read it up to when I was in high school but I wouldn’t like read it often, I would just read it because I was familiar with it and it felt like I was still their age for some reason, like I didn’t see them as kids you know, it felt like they were my age. Oh my god, that makes it sound even worse. When my POCD started, I stopped reading that story because I was it terrified me so a little before I turned 18. I keep going back and forth on whether or not I’m actually a pedophile or not. I don’t know if it’s because I was exposed to that stuff so early and my cousin would constantly talk about sex when he was with me. I thought it was so normal to be reading and looking at that stuff. I didn’t realize. I’m scared that my nephews are going to be exposed to that so early like I was. My POCD mostly targets my nephews and now I’m scared that I’ll do the same thing to them and show them that stuff (I never will) or that I genuinely do like that stuff. I feel like throwing up while writing this. I just don’t want to be one. I’m sorry if this triggers you or if this seems like I’m seeking reassurance and maybe I am. I genuinely don’t know right now. I think I just needed to get this off my chest because I’ve been worrying about it for awhile.
I’m at a loss.. me and my ex girlfriend of 5 years (subject of the real event) broke up a couple months ago. The problem is, we met at work when I was 19 and she was 17. We started flirting while I was 19 and she was 17 and then I turned 20 as we were going on dates while she was still 17. We started our relationship while she was 17.5 and I had just turned 20. There was a whole 6 month period while there was this age gap and now I feel as though if any new partner I have in the future finds out, they will be disgusted and leave/reject me. I don’t know what to do. I feel as though my future is ruined and that I will never find true love again due to this age gap thing. I’m 25 now and would not date anyone younger than 22 so I know im into the appropriate age range for my age, yet I’m so shameful and guilt ridden..
I turn 17 in two days and I’ve been in a panic that I’ll still have attraction to 14 year olds, because I actually do not know if I do or not, I just can’t tell. I don’t know how I’m gonna tell. idk if I will or not, and it’s all super confusing to what I really want, it’s like “do you like 14 year olds at that age??” And I say no? But it feel like I’m also lying, and that I actually do? idk what to do? My brain keeps justifying it to be fine cuz it’s only three years but I really don’t like that, so I’m worrying that I will feel attracted
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