- Username
- dee012
- Date posted
- 43w ago
im still worried that a two year age gap 16 and 18 is bad and that is a warning sign im a “p” or im grooming the person
im still worried that a two year age gap 16 and 18 is bad and that is a warning sign im a “p” or im grooming the person
I had worries like that when I was your age too, i was interested in someone with the same age gap and I felt weird. I think it made me nervous because being 18 I felt like I was an adult now and so it felt like a bigger deal than it is.
@Anonymous is it bad? I don’t want to be a p and If that’s a sign then I would want to know:(
@co140 I don’t think you should worry about it, your both older teens and I don’t think that it’s weird I think your brain is just trying to make you feel like it’s a bigger deal than it is. I think that if it’s making you feel uncomfortable so much that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the relationship then it may not be good for you but only because you may not be able to let yourself be happy not because I think it would be unacceptable
The age gap isn’t necessarily the issue in general, the issue is that 16 is still legally underage and 18 is technically an adult. I think it would be best to avoid dating anyone under 18 no matter the actually number difference for theirs and your safety.
@Forever977 I understand, there’s a Romeo and Juliet law in my state which makes it ok up to 4 years (which I think is too much ) but yea
@Forever977 I disagree I don’t think she should be afraid she’s doing something wrong and her safety is some sort of concern
@Anonymous Speaking to the legality of it, yes it is about both of their safety. Obviously if their state allows it that’s a different story :). I don’t think there is a huge difference in mentality if a 16-18 yr olds. Doesn’t mean it’s wrong, and definitely doesn’t make them a “p”, they are not grooming, so they shouldn’t feel afraid that this means they are at all. Just looking out for both of you.
@Forever977 i understand both of ur points thank u both for commenting it helped a lot
@co140 The fact that you think even 4 is too much shows that you aren’t a “p” and you do care about doing what’s right and you are a good person. True grooming is about a major power difference between someone very young and someone much older and experienced. A two year age difference in late teens can’t include that, so you are fine.
@Forever977 I agree with the legal aspect I just didn’t want her to be afraid that the cops would come for her I think we are on the same page now :)
I remember earlier this year watching a porn video I’d seen before and it said graduation present so I knew the girl in it was 18. It wasn’t on porn hub anymore it was on a different site which is now making me worry that she wasn’t 18! I’m 19, and I always always verify the porn I’m watching is over 18 by checking the ages of the people involved however in now really worried that the girl involved wasn’t 18 and the thought of that disgusts me. I’m just really worried and don’t know what to do
+18 TRIGGER WARNING I’ve been rethinking things from the past and one of those things was a conversation I had with someone on the chatting app yik yak about six months ago. On there, I joined the smut community and started posting stuff on there (story excerpts, writing questions, etc.) and someone dmed me about one of my posts. They asked if we could role-play a situation about a husband and wife. It got pretty graphic, too. We moved off the app and started texting but my anxiety got the better of me and I looked up their number and found their social media. It confirmed the school that they told me they went to, their major, work experience, and even their name. According to their social media, they’re 23 (22 during the time of our conversation) and I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy. Still, I DONT KNOW for certain and I’m scared that I was interacting with someone underaged the entire time. I’ve been going back through screenshots to try to decipher what I can find but it still hangs over my head. (Edit: I did ask for their age when we were texting and I remember that they told me they were 22. But I can’t find any of those texts and I’m scared that my mind is just filling in the blanks. I have had their number blocked and deleted from my phone since March of this year.)
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