- Username
- tulipomania
- Date posted
- 2y ago
Your thoughts are not representative of who you are, it is a faulty alarm system in your brain alerting you to the things you fear most. Your feelings and your thoughts are not always representative of who you are. There is something my therapist teaches me is the gun test, imagine there is a omniscient being and they have a gun to your head and they ask you are these intrusive thoughts real? If you say yes they shoot you in the head if they say no you live. You have to give your best guess, because there is uncertainty on everything. Going with your best guess is going against what you might feel or think it’s guessing the 99.9 yes instead of focusing on the 1% no
I can relate to what you feel. It's hard to hide it all from everyone and be always scared of being questioned or whatever. But a matter of fact is, your close ones may actually be more understanding than you think. Both my mom and later my gf were actually more or less understanding of that, and patient with all the stuff I had to do. I'm currently in therapy, and by knowing that my close ones will understand, I greatly reduce my anxiety and I'm able to fight my compulsions more effectively. Hope you can do the same.
Why don’t you attend some of the support groups on here? Also, a classic attribute of OCD is that it isolates people into thinking they are the exception, that something it innately wrong or disturbed about them. Try your best (though, *I know how hard it is!*) not to ride the rumination train/don’t let it take you so far and so deep into compulsive rumination about these thoughts that your OCD is feeding you that will only make you feel worse.
Hi tulipomania, this is so hard to experience for sure and I feel for you. It can be a lonely road to walk alone, please know that OCD is a liar and will try and tell you so many things about you and that doesn't mean that it is true. Thoughts do not equal truth- they do not have to "mean" anything. I hope that you will continue to seek support through NOCD and through this community.
I was doing so good, but over the past few months, the OCD has returned with a vengenace. I try to explain what I'm experiencing to my family, but they don't understand. I just need to hear that people get it and know that I can make it out the other end alive and in one piece I've had many themes over the years, but right now, scrupulocity is taking over my life. It takes the normal day-to-day things I do, and twists them into compulsions to feed the insatiable monster that tells me if I don't do enough, be perfect enough, that I'm not a good partner-- not a good person. I'm not working hard because it feels satisfying; I'm doing it because I feel lazy and worthless if I don't. Everything has been taken to an extreme. It's making getting in the way of eating and sleeping. I'm suffering, but I feel like I need to try and pretend that I'm fine (even though I'm terrible at hiding it) because I feel like my husband will think I'm crazy, whiny, and dramatic, and eventually, get tired of it and leave. I'm not asking for reassurance. I just want to not feel so alone.
I'm so afraid of thinking something inappropriate around family and friends that I overthink everything I think. I've been dealing with this for months and I thought I had learned how to deal with it, but I feel so suffocated. Right now I really can't breathe. I don't know what to do, I talk to people in this community but I still feel so alone.
I’m struggling so much lately with feeling so different in comparison to others with ocd. I feel indenial , like I don’t really have ocd and like others probably think I’m guilty. I hate feeling this way constantly. I feel like such an outcast like I don’t belong in this community because I’m a big ‘fraud’. I suppose it’s the ocd doing this to me.
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