- Date posted
- 1y ago
- Date posted
- 1y ago
As specific as it is, I have this same fear often. I have a severe fear of vomiting, and whenever my stomach doesn’t feel the greatest I always need to have an “escape plan” to somewhere (bathroom, for example) that’s okay to vomit in. It takes up too much of my mind too. Maybe you’re worried about wetting yourself, but similar fears. I’ve learned over the years (although I’m still not over it) that as much as I think I’m “preparing myself” by worrying about this all the time, it still never happens. If anything I just stress myself out more. It’s hard to let go but it’s all a big lie. We’ll get through this! 💜
- Date posted
- 1y ago
@Leskee🌧️ 👆👆 Wise words…
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 1y ago
@Leskee🌧️ I have actually dealt with this before. I’ve realized that all this worrying and stress is worse than just throwing up in public. Like would it suck to puke in public? Yeah. But I would move on, the sun would come up tomorrow, and it’s not the end of the world.
- Date posted
- 1y ago
@Greg2 Very true. I’m honestly more scared of the feeling than I am of people seeing me
- User type
- Staff
- Date posted
- 1y ago
This is hard, please know that you are not alone. There are so many people with this same obsession. ERP can be very helpful in all themes of OCD. A lot of the treatment focuses on allowing the feelings and seeing that you can tolerate them- as hard as that may feel in the moment.https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/the-certainty-trap-in-ocd & https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/why-should-i-sit-in-discomfort
- Date posted
- 1y ago
I struggled with this in Jr high and high school so much. Granted, it has come up in adulthood as well. I'm sorry you're going through this, I know how hard it is. You're not alone 🩷
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- Date posted
- 6w ago
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- 5w ago
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